Only 14 days left before exams start. It is important to be monitoring your child's grades and attendance. Hopefully you are using the Parent Assist program for this purpose. If you can not access this program, please reach out to Mrs. Cline and
We are in need of judges for our Senior Speech night on Tuesday, May 21, 2019. Judges are needed from 5:30 pm-approximately 8:30 pm. We will serve dinner at 5:30 with a short training prior to heading to classrooms where seniors will be sent to you to present their research.
If you are interested and able to judge for us this Spring please fill out the form linked below to let Mrs. Meier know of your availability. We appreciate your willingness to give your time to listen to our seniors present their projects. Thank you!
Parents of seniors – if you or your child have not already ordered their cap and gown from Herff Jones, it must be ordered at this time in order to ensure that you receive it in time for graduation. You must place your order at:
Herff Jones will be at the school on Friday May 24 between 12-2 in the Coggins Gym to distributed Caps and Gowns that were previously ordered and paid for and do not have a balance.
For parents of Sophomores - Herff Jones will also be distributing class rings to Sophomores at the same time on that day.
Also - Parents of Seniors – be watching for a letter from me regarding guidelines and expectations for our upcoming 2019 graduation ceremony. Please become familiar with the guidelines to ensure that each graduate and their families are able to enjoy this memorable occasion. You will receive this letter either by email or Remind from your child’s counselor. It can also be found on the Southwest website under the “Counseling” and “Seniors” tabs.
The Senior Picnic Committee is busy planning an event to remember! The picnic is scheduled for May 24th and will take place during lunches. It offers an afternoon of games, food, prizes, fun and fellowship for our seniors. We are pleased to honor their many accomplishments but need your help! The committee is asking for a donation of $10 per family, however, any and all amounts are appreciated! If you would like to donate, please have your child drop off the donation in the front office. The committee will be collecting money until May 1st.

Students who are planning to attend a 4 year college or university should be aware of the enrollment deposit that is due by May 1. This deposit lets the university know that you are planning to attend. A housing deposit may be due at this time as well. If you have questions please refer to your acceptance letter and reach out to the admissions office of the college that you plan to attend.
Virtual learning registration forms for summer and fall are available. See your counselor for more information.
The Senior Picnic Committee is busy planning an event to remember! The picnic is scheduled for May 24th and will take place during lunches. It offers an afternoon of games, food, prizes, fun and fellowship for our seniors. We are pleased to honor their many accomplishments but need your help! The committee is asking for a donation of $10 per family, however, any and all amounts are appreciated! If you would like to donate, please have your child drop off the donation in the front office. The committee will be collecting money until May 1st.
As a friendly reminder, the Say Yes Scholarship registration deadline for current High School seniors is June 1st. Attached is the Say Yes Scholarship Checklist with key reminders for our seniors and with an emphasis on the Say Yes Registration.
Below and attached you’ll see the flyer for the NC A&T State University Say Yes Scholars’ Reception and Signing Day on May 2, 2019. We are celebrating newly admitted and prospective students to NC A&T. Students and their parents may RSVP online at Please share.
Virtual learning registration forms for summer and fall are available. See your counselor for more information.
In order for your child's ALVS teachers to submit final grades by June 4th, 2019, GCS seniors will need to submit all teacher-scored assignments by midnight EST on May 26th.
Teacher-scored assignments include Practices, Journals, Projects, Teacher-Scored Tests (TSTs), Discussions (Honors only), and Explore (Honors only). Final exams and any remaining Quizzes must be completed by May 31st.
All students who have received any scholarship dollars should report those figures to their counselor.
All students who have received any scholarship dollars should report those figures to their counselor.
As it relates to athletic schedules, please visit the SWHS Athletics page
Monday, April 29
5:30 PM Womens Junior Varsity Soccer Northwest Senior High School Home
7:00 PM Mens Varsity Baseball OPEN DATE Piedmont Triad 3A Conference Semi-Finals #1 vs. #4/#5 hosted at N. Forsyth Away
7:00 PM Womens Varsity Soccer Dudley Senior High School Home
5:30 PM Womens Junior Varsity Soccer Grimsley High School Home
6:00 PM Womens Junior Varsity Softball Ronald Reagan High School Home
7:00 PM Mens Varsity Baseball OPEN DATE Piedmont Triad 3A Semi- Final #2/7 vs. #3/6 At N. Forsyth Away
7:00 PM Womens Varsity Soccer Grimsley High School Home
Saturday, June 8
8:00PM - 10:00PM Graduation Greensboro Coliseum
Interim Reports go to all students
6:00PM PTSA Meeting - C132
TBA Mens Varsity Golf NCHSAA 3A Regional Playoffs@ TBA Home
1:00 PM Mens Varsity Golf 18 hole PT Final Match @ Maple Chase Away
6:00 PM Womens Junior Varsity Softball West Forsyth High School Home
7:00 PM Mens Varsity Baseball OPEN DATE 1st Rd. Conference Tournament @ Higher Seeded Team Home
6:00PM PTSA Meeting - C132
TBA Mens Varsity Golf NCHSAA 3A Regional Playoffs@ TBA Home
1:00 PM Mens Varsity Golf 18 hole PT Final Match @ Maple Chase Away
6:00 PM Womens Junior Varsity Softball West Forsyth High School Home
7:00 PM Mens Varsity Baseball OPEN DATE 1st Rd. Conference Tournament @ Higher Seeded Team Home
Tuesday, April 30
10:30 - SST Meeting - Barnum's office5:30 PM Womens Junior Varsity Soccer Northwest Senior High School Home
7:00 PM Mens Varsity Baseball OPEN DATE Piedmont Triad 3A Conference Semi-Finals #1 vs. #4/#5 hosted at N. Forsyth Away
7:00 PM Womens Varsity Soccer Dudley Senior High School Home
Wednesday, May 1
Teacher workday - no school for students5:30 PM Womens Junior Varsity Soccer Grimsley High School Home
6:00 PM Womens Junior Varsity Softball Ronald Reagan High School Home
7:00 PM Mens Varsity Baseball OPEN DATE Piedmont Triad 3A Semi- Final #2/7 vs. #3/6 At N. Forsyth Away
7:00 PM Womens Varsity Soccer Grimsley High School Home
Thursday, May 2
7:00PM Spring Dance Concert - Auditorium.
4:00 PM Coed Varsity Track Conference Championship Meet @ Mount Tabor Away
7:00 PM Womens Varsity Soccer High Point Central High School Home
4:00 PM Coed Varsity Track Conference Championship Meet @ Mount Tabor Away
7:00 PM Womens Varsity Soccer High Point Central High School Home
Friday, May 3
4:30 PM Womens Junior Varsity Soccer Summit School Away
7:00 PM Mens Varsity Baseball OPEN DATE Piedmont Triad 3A Conference Championship @ N. Forysth Away
7:00 PM Mens Varsity Baseball OPEN DATE Piedmont Triad 3A Conference Championship @ N. Forysth Away
Saturday, May 4
9:30 - 12:30 - AP English Lit Review - Mrs. Bratton's and Mrs. Davis' room
9:30 - 12:30 - AP English Lit Review - Mrs. Bratton's and Mrs. Davis' room
Saturday, May 11
8:00PM to Midnight SWGHS Prom - The Loft
Testing Schedule:
Teacher made exams
6/3 - 1st and 3rd block - Monday June 3rd - adjusted schedule - full day
6/4 - 2nd and 4th block - Tuesday, June 4th - adjusted schedule - full day
State Exams
6/5 - 1st block - dismiss at 1:35
6/6 - 2nd block - dismiss at 1:35
6/7 - 3rdblock - dismiss at 1:35
6/10 - 4th block - dismiss at 1:35
6/11 - Make ups - dismiss at 1:35
Testing Schedule:
Teacher made exams
6/3 - 1st and 3rd block - Monday June 3rd - adjusted schedule - full day
6/4 - 2nd and 4th block - Tuesday, June 4th - adjusted schedule - full day
State Exams
6/5 - 1st block - dismiss at 1:35
6/6 - 2nd block - dismiss at 1:35
6/7 - 3rdblock - dismiss at 1:35
6/10 - 4th block - dismiss at 1:35
6/11 - Make ups - dismiss at 1:35
8:00PM - 10:00PM Graduation Greensboro Coliseum
Remember, you are always able to access this message on our school website under School News and titled Principal's Weekly Updates or on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Please follow Southwest High School at SouthwestGHS for Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram! This is a great way for us to communicate and stay connected.
We are... Southwest!