Good evening Southwest!
I hope this message finds everyone doing well!
We start this week with a teacher workday on Monday. If you have any questions regarding grades or attendance, please do not hesitate to reach out to them via their e-mail address that can be found on the school's website.
This past Thursday, the board voted for High School students to return on January 20th. More details will be communicated as we start preparing for this date. Please make sure you stay in the loop of all GCS and SW communications. A great deal of information is available on our website.
As we continue through remote, I urge parents and guardians to monitor your students grades and attendance through the parent portal. Please click here if you need guidance in setting up an account. if you have any difficultly with this process, please e-mail Mrs. Kristy Cline at As a parent myself, I have an automated e-mail that comes to me every Monday that alerts me of their progress. It's a wonderful opportunity for parents to be involved with their student's progress. As it relates to NC Virtual, GTCC and APEX classes, you will need your student to show you how they are progressing through their accounts when taking classes on those platforms.
This video has been used district wide to
provide information regarding pairing student and parent accounts in Canvas so
parents can access what is due, what has been submitted, graded, etc. You’ll
see in the video that one of the key pieces is a pairing code that can only
originate from the student account holder.
We will be giving the PSAT to all Southwest 10th
and 11th grade students IF they complete online registration by
October 9. The online registration link can be found in the QUICK LINKS
area of the GCS and the SWHS websites. Students or families who are not
comfortable returning to the building to test on October 29, will have the
option to take the PSAT on January 26. The January 26 date is also
a National Merit Scholarship qualifying test date for juniors. Covid
protocols will be followed for building entry, social distancing in halls and
classrooms and masks that cover both nose and mouth will be required to be worn
at all times by staff and students. Remember you must complete the online
registration process by October 9th in order to test at SWHS on
October 29.
The company that works with our yearly Graduation supplies, Herff Jones, will be coming to SW to hand out packets to Seniors that will give them information about ordering their supplies online. These supplies include their cap and gown, class rings, senior gear, etc.
This will take place Friday, October 2nd from 10am-2:30pm in the back student parking lot.
*If students cannot make this time or date, instructions are on the flyer for them to follow.
We will also be using this event for Graduation name verification for the students' diplomas. Lifetouch will also be here for Senior Portrait information. If you are wanting your picture in the Senior section, you must get a picture done by LifeTouch. As it relates to Yearbook advertisements, you can use any pictures you would like. Please know we have some amazing photographers in our SW community!
Remember that tasteless and vulgar quotes will not be published! Senior parents, if the school has your email address you should have received an email regarding other senior information. For more information about this school year’s yearbook follow us on Facebook or Instagram @southwestghsyearbook.
Parents, thank you for your patience as it relates to your laptop request. At this time, we have over 300 requests and are working with the district to get laptops as soon as we can. Please be aware that this is not only a challenge that our district is facing, but that all school districts across the nation are facing. If you need further assistance with work, please take advantage of our learning labs or our work delivery service that we have set up to provide students.
We continue to update our "how to" links to assist everyone during remote learning. Feel free to access this document ... Remote Learning helpful links.docxIf a student says they can not do their work, I have guided teachers to use a flowchart that will allow every student to get their work during this time until all devices arrive... Feel free to review this flowchart. Did you know we are delivering work to homes? Yes we are, just ask your teacher!
If you are looking for any basic needs: food, school supplies, housing, mental health resources or if you have any other need to assist your students, please contacts our School Social Worker, Emily Wright. She can be reached at 336-709-9537 or via e-mail at .
Free College Application week which will be
Oct. 19th - Oct 30th just fyi. Students should have accounts from last
year and/or 9th grade. Any assistance needed should be directed to the student's counselor.
Virtual colleges: Elon University Admission Visit: October 9th @12pm. Register here:
UNC Charlotte Virtual Visit:
11th grade Last name A-D @swghs2022
12th grade Last Name A-D @swghs2021
Ms. Campbell
10th grade Last name E-L @cowgirl23
11th grade Last Name E-L @cowgirl22
12th grade Last Name E-L @cowgirl21
Ms. Graham
10th grade Last Name M-R @graham2023
11th grade Last Name M-R @graham2022
12th grade Last Name M-R @graham2021
Mrs. Hudgens
10th grade Last Name S-Z @hudgen23
11th grade Last Name S-Z @hudgen22
12th grade Last Name S-Z @hudgen21
Ms. Compton 9th grade
Class of 2024 STUDENTS
Class of 2024 PARENTS
Documents to peruse as we continue to navigate.....
Hygiene and Cleaning Protocols
Within this blog is a link regarding the required immunizations for Kindergarten, 7th and 12th graders, Please reach out to our school nurse, Jennifer Conrad if you have any questions pertaining to these immunizations.
Just a friendly reminder that Lifetouch is still accepting scheduling appointments for seniors to be photographed. The link is embedded. Lifetouch Scheduling
Any seniors who are interested in purchasing Senior shirts, you can visit the Spirit Store at
Have you left your mark at SWGHS? Buy a Legacy Brick to commemorate your time as a Southwest Cowboy, and make a contribution to your sport, band or chorus to help fund critical equipment and uniform purchases and fees! AND get a great deal RIGHT NOW! The first 21 seniors/senior families to purchase a Legacy Brick this year will get 21% off the price of the brick! That's $21 off the $100 brick! Click here to order your brick, and enter 212021 in the promo code field to take advantage of this deal!
We have some good news! XC and Volleyball will be allowed to start back on Sept. 28th.
All Return to Play forms must be filled out correctly for students to practice. Get your forms here:
Volleyball Workout Dates: Tuesday/Thursday- Sept. 29, Oct. 1, Oct 6, Oct 8 Time: Check-in 3:45 in front of main gym Practice/Conditioning: 3:45 to 5:15 pm (all practices are outside)
Cross Country Workout Dates: Monday/Wednesday- Sept. 28, Sept. 30, Oct. 5 Oct. 7 Time: Check-in 3:45 in front of main gym Practice/Conditioning: 3:45 to 5:15 pm (all practices are outside)
*Note: Starting week 3 (Oct. 12)- Teams can practice up to 4 days per week. Dates will be posted later.
First Official Start of Season: November 4, 4 PM
Contact your coach if you have questions:
Volleyball- Meredith Antley
XC- Chris Patrick
Based on the GCS High School Athletics calendar (included below) volleyball and cross country will be the first sports allowed to take part in voluntary workouts beginning on Sept. 28. Following volleyball and cross country, other sports will follow suit in the coming weeks.
GCS High School Athletics Calendar
Sports/Activities | Conditioning Period (Max 2 Days Per Week) | Skill Development (Max 4 Days Per Week) | NCHSAA Start Date |
Volleyball and Cross Country | September 28 | October 12 | November 4 |
Swimming & Diving and Marching Band | October 12 | October 26 | November 23 |
Basketball & Cheerleading | October 19 | November 9 | December 7 |
M Soccer, M Lacrosse, and W. Lacrosse | November 9 | December 1 | January 11 |
Football | November 30 | January 4 | February 8 |
M/W Golf, M Tennis, W Soccer, and Softball | January 4 | February 1 | March 1 |
Baseball, W Tennis, Track & Field, and Wrestling | January 20 | March 15 | April 12 |
If you are interested in playing and have not talked with Coach Doak please click the link below and fill out the questionnaire.
Southwest, please continue to engage in your work. I am happy to see our engagement % increase, absences decrease, and grades climbing north. Thank you again for everything you all do to make this remote learning successful. If you have any concerns, never hesitate to reach out to your student's teachers, counselor, administration or any other support staff at Southwest.
Conditioning may start for Volleyball/Cross Country - 2x week

Remember, you are always able to access this message on our school website under School News and titled Principal's Weekly Message or on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Please follow Southwest High School at SouthwestGHS for Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram! This is a great way for us to communicate and stay connected.
We are in it it together. We got this. We are... Southwest!