Friday, September 16, 2016

Southwest Guilford High School Principal's Message for the Week of September 19, 2016

Good evening, this is Wayne Duggins, Principal of Southwest Guilford High School.

I have just a few quick items to share with you.

On Tuesday, September 20th, we will have a PTSA meeting in the media Center at 6:00 p.m.

Wednesday, September 21st is an early release day for students and in-service for our teacher. Students will be dismissed at 1:35 p.m. Seniors will have their first meeting of the year with Ms. Nichols and  Chris Wieczorek from Herff Jones. All seniors will be permitted to leave after this meeting at 11:00 a.m.

Parents, we are still having a few of you dropping off and picking up your children in the back student parking lot. Drop off and pick up is in the front of the school. We have a lot of young inexperienced driver's back there and we want to keep them separated from our parent drivers. I appreciate your help. 

Parents and Students, Powerschool is up and you now have access to your child's grade through the parent portal. If you have never used the parent portal, you will love the access you have to your child's progress. You can access this service through our school website under the parent tab. The portal log in access is there along with directions on how to set it up. If you have trouble, please email Mrs. Kristy Cline our data manager at for assitance.

Since you access to your child's grades through the parent portal, we will no longer be sending home interim reports with all students. Our teachers have been instructed to only send home progress reports to students that is in danger of failing or are in fact failing their class at this time. If you do not have access to the internet or the use of a smart phone to access your child's grades, please let your child's teacher know so that we continue to communicate with you with paper progress reports. 

We have a lot of home sporting events this week:
Monday 9/19 - Women's Volleyball vs Western
Thursday 9/22 - Women's Tennis vs Asheboro
Thursday 9/22 - Men's Soccer vs Page
Thursday 9/22 - Women's Volleyball vs Northwest
Friday 9/23- Varsity Football vs Southeast

Parents, we still need your help by completing a school survey for our AdvanceED accreditation. Please go to the Southwest High School homepage and click on the link titled, “School Improvement Parent Survey” under the “School News” tab in the center of the page or you can click the link attached to this message from my blog: at

Remember, you are always able to access this message on our school website under School News and titled Principal's Weekly Updates or on Facebook and Twitter. Please follow Southwest High School at SouthwestGHS for both Twitter and Facebook. This is a great way for us to communicate and stay connected.

I hope you have a great week.

Go Cowboys

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