Sunday, April 2, 2017

Southwest Guilford High School's Principal's Message for the week of April 3, 2017

Good evening, this is Mike Hettenbach, Principal of Southwest Guilford High School.

I have just a few quick items to share with you.

As we just finished a week of spirit wear, please remember that all students should be in regular dress code. As the warmer weather approaches, it is important to review the dress expectations as laid out in the student handbook.If you have any dress code attire that your child can not fit into and if you would like to donate these items to the school, feel free to bring them to the front office and we will have those items put in our clothing closet at school. We would greatly appreciate that.

Moving forward, we have a wonderful presentation tomorrow, Monday, April 3rd from 6-8 pm in the media center called the Poe Center's Drugs Uncovered: What parents need to know!  As society is seeing an increase in drug use and drug related health problems, the SW PTSA is sponsoring this fantastic program for parents to gain tools for prevention as well as get information on how to respond if you think your child or their friends are experimenting with drugs and alcohol. There is no fee but registration is encouraged and can be accessed on the SWHS web page.

We would also like for you to join us on Tuesday, April 4th for our Senior Project Speech Night. Many of you have faithfully assisted us in the past and we hope you can join again. We will plan to meet in the cafeteria at 5PM for dinner and a review of the rubric. Speeches will begin at 6 and we hope to be finished by 8. We know this makes a long day for you but we can not do this without you and we would be so grateful to have you join us. Feel free to invite neighbors, co-workers and friends to join us as long as they are over the age of 25. Also, please RSVP Julie Nichols at If you invite others to join you, please include their name and e-mail address as well. This is a low pressure yet rewarding experience if this is your first time volunteering. We look forward to seeing you there!

All rising 10th, 11th and 12th grade homes should have received a message regarding the process of registration. It is imperative that you review these expectations, now listed on the SWHS web site, and also shared on Facebook. We ask that all parents and students follow these expectations as we move into building the scheduling matrix for the following school year.

Next Saturday, April 8th is a Saturday School for students who need to make up time from multiple absences. The time is from 8AM to Noon and students should report to the media center with plenty of items to work on, no food or drinks and no electronic devices visible.

The annual senior picnic is currently scheduled for May 26th. The committee is asking for a small donation of $10.00 per family, however any amount would be greatly appreciated. You can have your child drop a check made out to SWHS PTSA or cash to the main office. Anyone that has had children experience the senior picnic will know what an undertaking this is and how vital the donations are to making it a success. Thank you for any assistance with this.

As it relates to athletics this week, the following home events are as followed:

Monday night 
- Men's Varsity Tennis (4:30)
- Men's Varsity Golf (4:00)
Tuesday night 
- JV Baseball (5:30)

Wednesday night 
- Men's Varsity Tennis (4:30) 
Thursday night 
- Women's JV and Varsity Soccer (5:30/7:30)
Friday Night  
- Varsity Women's Lacrosse (6:00)
- JV Baseball (5:30)

All away athletic events can always be found on the SWHS Athletics web page,

Remember, you are always able to access this message on our school website under School News and titled Principal's Weekly Updates or on Facebook and Twitter. Please follow Southwest High School at SouthwestGHS for both Twitter and Facebook. This is a great way for us to communicate and stay connected.

I hope you have a great week 

Go Cowboys!

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