Friday, May 12, 2017

Southwest Guilford High School's Principal's Message for the week of May 15, 2017

Good evening, this is Mike Hettenbach, Principal of Southwest Guilford High School.

I have a very quick message for you.

This is teacher appreciation week at Southwest Guilford High School. Please assist me in expressing your appreciation to the staff of SWHS. Something as minimal as a quick e-mail or note sent to a teacher or two to express your appreciation is one of the most powerful ways to reinforce how they matter to the young lives that cross their paths on a daily basis. In addition, feel free to reach out to the PTSA to find out how you can support them in what they plan on doing during this week. They have something planned each day and I am sure they could use your support.  Jen Metcalfe would be your contact at Jenn Metcalfe, .

Come out and support the arts as the Band will be having their Spring concert in the auditorium Tuesday evening at 7:00.

Thursday, May 18, the last interim reports will be distributed to all students who have Ds and Fs. In the meantime, all parents should be routinely checking Parent Assist for their child's grades and attendance. If you need assistance with this account, please contact the school and ask for Kristy Cline, the school's data manager. We are quickly approaching the end of the school year and we do not want any parent to be blind sided by failing grades, whether it be for academic reasons or failing to make up time. We need everyone to partner with us while monitoring the students of SWHS.

Parents of seniors, the Baccalaureate is scheduled for Sunday, May 21 at the Jamestown United Methodist Church. Students should be lining up no later than 3:30 in their cap and gown. This is a non-denominational ceremony to recognize any SWHS graduates. This is not a mandatory event, however, it is an event that your child can be recognized at.

As we approach senior picnic on May 26th, we are making a last pitch for donations from each family.  The committee is asking for a small donation of $10.00 per family, however any amount would be greatly appreciated. You can have your child drop a check made out to SWHS PTSA or cash to the main office. Anyone that has had children experience the senior picnic will know what an undertaking this is and how vital the donations are to making it a success. Thank you for any assistance with this.

Last, we have repeatedly reminded students to purchase and post parking permits in their cars if they are parking at SWHS. Since there are many students who are not complying with this request, starting Monday, we will be towing any cars without the proper posted authorization. Please make sure your child is complying with our expectations. We greatly appreciate this.

As it relates to athletics, due to teams still involved in the playoffs, the schedule will be posted on as well as on the Facebook SWHS sports page.

Thank you for support

Remember, you are always able to access this message on our school website under School News and titled Principal's Weekly Updates or on Facebook and Twitter. Please follow Southwest High School at SouthwestGHS for both Twitter and Facebook. This is a great way for us to communicate and stay connected.

I hope you have a great week 

We are... Southwest!

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