Good evening, this is Mike Hettenbach, Principal of Southwest Guilford High School with your weekly updates and reminders...
Tomorrow is our last final exam day, block 4 state exams, with Tuesday being a make up exam day.
Please make sure you are reaching out to teachers before Wednesday with any questions or concerns before they are off for the summer.
Seniors, this is a reminder that you must be aware of the graduation calendar that is posted on the web and has been distributed to you multiple times already. Attending graduation practice is a must. Most universities and colleges, as well as employers, are extremely flexible if you are communicating this ahead of time. Senior awards is tomorrow, Monday, at 1:30 PM in the auditorium. If any senior is receiving an award, he/she has been invited, however, all are encouraged to attend. Mandatory graduation practice is tomorrow as well, Monday, at 4PM. Seniors must be in the foyer of the auditorium by 3:30. The practice will last until at least 6PM. Tuesday is another mandatory graduation practice from 4-6 at the Greensboro Coliseum. seniors must be in the foyer of the coliseum by 3:15 on Tuesday. Information can be found on the school's website. Graduation is at 9:00 on Saturday and seniors must be there by 7:45AM.
Please make sure you are reaching out to teachers before Wednesday with any questions or concerns before they are off for the summer.
Seniors, this is a reminder that you must be aware of the graduation calendar that is posted on the web and has been distributed to you multiple times already. Attending graduation practice is a must. Most universities and colleges, as well as employers, are extremely flexible if you are communicating this ahead of time. Senior awards is tomorrow, Monday, at 1:30 PM in the auditorium. If any senior is receiving an award, he/she has been invited, however, all are encouraged to attend. Mandatory graduation practice is tomorrow as well, Monday, at 4PM. Seniors must be in the foyer of the auditorium by 3:30. The practice will last until at least 6PM. Tuesday is another mandatory graduation practice from 4-6 at the Greensboro Coliseum. seniors must be in the foyer of the coliseum by 3:15 on Tuesday. Information can be found on the school's website. Graduation is at 9:00 on Saturday and seniors must be there by 7:45AM.
If you know of any students in the area who are looking to complete Boy Scout or Girl Scout projects and would like to complete them on the campus of Southwest, please have them touch base with either Mr. Hettenbach or Coach Christman. We have a wide variety of projects we are looking to be accomplished.
June 11
4th Block exams - early Release - 1:05
1:30 PM - Senior Awards - Auditorium (Seniors receiving awards will be notified ahead of time)
4:00 - 6:00 PM - Mandatory Graduation Practice - SWHS Auditorium (Graduation tickets will be distributed)
June 12
Make up exam day, last day of school
4:00 - 6:00 PM - Mandatory Graduation Practice - Greensboro Coliseum special events center (be there by 3:15)
June 16
9:00 AM - Graduation - Greensboro Coliseum - seniors must be at the coliseum by 7:45AM
Remember, you are always able to access this message on our school website under School News and titled Principal's Weekly Updates or on Facebook and Twitter. Please follow Southwest High School at SouthwestGHS for both Twitter and Facebook. This is a great way for us to communicate and stay connected.
We are... Southwest!
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