Friday, November 16, 2018

SWHS Principal's weekly updates for the week of November 19

Good evening Southwest!

As we approach Thanksgiving, I want to let you know how thankful I am to work in such a wonderful school community. Thank you for all that you do to assist us in providing the best education to your child. I hope you all have the opportunity to spend some quality time with the special people in your lives.  Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!

The district has informed us that the one card student identification scanning process now has dates assigned. As Southwest High School is one of seven pilot schools for the district as well as the largest pilot school, the current plan is to distribute the cards the week after Thanksgiving. The following week, we plan on training our staff and implementing the process on December 6th. More information will follow if dates change along with additional information to keep you in the loop.

As we are on the topic of safety and security, we now have the other entrance of the school on the magnetic entry door system. This means both entrances are now locked and you must buzz in to get into the school. Also - we have just implemented a new visitor system as of Friday. All visitors must enter and check in with the front office using the new Access411 system at all times. Once again, thank you for being patient as we implement yet another layer of safety and security in our school.

Parents of seniors, please make sure you and your student are working on completing the FAFSA.  Even if you don’t think you will qualify for assistance, many schools – especially private institutions - use the information on this form to offer scholarship and financial aid to their students. If you have any questions, please reach out to your child's counselor. Also, seniors can order graduation supplies from Herff Jones on Tuesday between Noon and 4PM outside the cafeteria. This is the only time students will be able to order from Herff Jones while on campus. All orders after Tuesday will need to be placed directly with Herff Jones.

If you did not get your child's report card this past Wednesday, please reach out to Ms. Durant in the guidance office.

If you are a Facebook follower, the PTSA has created a Facebook link. Feel free to follow them.
The PTSA is distributing holiday pies to the staff on Tuesday. If interested in assisting, feel free to reach out to the PTSA on the link that can be found on the school's website, or through Facebook. 

As it relates to athletic schedules, please visit the SWHS Athletics page at

Monday, November 19
No events
Tuesday, November 20
All Day - Freshman Focus Anti-Bully Walk
PTSA Pie Day for staff
Noon - 4:00PM Seniors - Graduation orders placed with Herff Jones - Cafeteria
5:00 PM Womens Junior Varsity Basketball Southeast Guilford High School Home 
6:00 PM Womens Varsity Basketball Southeast Guilford High School Away 
6:30 PM Mens Junior Varsity Basketball Southeast Guilford High School Home 
7:30 PM Mens Varsity Basketball Southeast Guilford High School Away

Wednesday, November 21
9:00 AM Mens Varsity Wrestling Western Guilford HS Duals Away 
No School - Students and staff

Thursday, November 22
Happy Thanksgiving - No School - Students and staff

Friday, November 23
7:30 PM Mens Varsity Football OPEN DATE 2nd Rd NCHSAA Playoffs vs. TBA Home 
No School - students and staff

Saturday, November 24 
9:00 AM Mens Varsity Wrestling Tigerland Holiday Classic Away 
4:00 PM Mens Varsity Basketball R J Reynolds High School Away

Monday, November 26
6:00PM - 8:00PM PTSA Meeting - C132

Wednesday, November 28
Staff Professional Development - Planning periods - Media Center Lab

Friday, November 30
PTSA Jean Day

Remember, you are always able to access this message on our school website under School News and titled Principal's Weekly Updates or on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Please follow Southwest High School at SouthwestGHS for TwitterFacebook, and Instagram! This is a great way for us to communicate and stay connected. 

We are... Southwest!

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