Saturday, January 5, 2019

SWHS Principal's Reminders and Updates for January 7

Good evening Southwest community!

We had a great couple of days getting back in the swing of the new year. I hope each and every student is ready for this last push as we approach final exams.  

As a reminder, we started this past week 5 minutes early. Nothing else has changed in the schedule other than students being guided to class at 8:30 and the late bell being 8:35 instead of 8:40. Please make sure you remind your child so they are not marked tardy to start their mornings.

This coming Friday is a Palladium Chic Fila PTSA day. Please visit the Palladium Chic FilA breakfast, lunch or dinner and mention SWHS to have proceeds returned to the PTSA!

The 1st semester exam schedule has been finalized. We now have 7 regular school days until teacher made exams start, and 9 until state testing begins. As we have very little time left in the semester, every minute of every class is crucial. Please reach out to your child's teachers with any questions and/or concerns. Also, please reinforce the importance of finishing up strong, especially with such little time left in the semester. 

Exams will be given the last 8 days of the semester. This schedule can be found on the School's website. 

Day 1 - January 15th, Tuesday - Full Day for all students, normal bell schedule - Teacher made exams (part 1) only if approved by Mr. Hettenbach

Day 2 - January 16th, Wednesday - Full day for ALL students - slightly modified bell schedule - 1st and 3rd block teacher made exams ONLY - class times will be extended for blocks 1 and 3

Day 3 - January 17th, Thursday - Full day for ALL students - slightly modified bell schedule - 2nd and 4th block teacher made exams ONLY - class times will be extended for blocks 2 and 4.

Day 4 - January 18th, Friday - 8:35 - 1:30 - Block 1 CTEs, EOC and NCFEs; Afternoon schedule – EC Extended Time Testing

January 21st - HOLIDAY

Day 5 - January 22nd, Tuesday - 8:35 - 1:30 Block 2 CTEs,EOC and NCFEs; Afternoon schedule – EC Extended Time Testing, Multiple Test Day Accommodations & Block 1 Make Ups

Day 6 - January 23rd, Wednesday - 8:35 - 1:30 Block 3 CTEs,EOC and NCFEs; Afternoon schedule – EC Extended Time Testing, Multiple Test Day Accommodations & Block 2 Make Ups

Day 7 - January 24th, Thursday - 8:35 - 1:30 Block 4 CTEs,EOC and NCFEs; Afternoon schedule – EC Extended Time Testing, Multiple Test Day Accommodations & Block 3 Make Ups

Day 8 - January 25th, Friday- - 8:35 - 1:30 - only for students who are needing to make up excams - EOC and NCFE make up exams

January 28th, Monday - Mandated workday - Parent Conference Day - please request a conference with any teacher if necessary. 

The OneCard system has now been through 7 days of operation. We have seen great improvements in such a short time. Please reinforce to your student to be wearing the card at all times. We want the students in the habit of displaying the cards at all times, blue lanyard around the neck, not in the pocket, not inside the shirt, etc. As I have mentioned before, this is a safety and security layer that has been added to the school and we greatly appreciate your support with this project. 

As it relates to athletic schedules, please visit the SWHS Athletics page at

Monday, January 7
6:00 PM Womens Varsity Basketball Ben L. Smith High School Away
6:30 PM Mens Junior Varsity Basketball Ben L. Smith High School Home
6:30 PM Coed Varsity Swimming Conference Meet @ Smith Pool Away
7:30 PM Mens Varsity Basketball Ben L. Smith High School Away

Tuesday, January 8
7:00PM Chorus Concert - Auditorium
4:30 PM Coed Varsity Track SWGHS Invitational @ JDL Home
5:00 PM Womens Junior Varsity Basketball Summit School Home
6:00 PM Womens Varsity Basketball Western Guilford High School Away
6:30 PM Mens Junior Varsity Basketball Western Guilford High School Home
7:30 PM Mens Varsity Basketball Western Guilford High School Away

Wednesday, January 9
6:00 PM Mens Varsity Wrestling North Forsyth High School Away

Friday, January 11
PTSA Chic FilA Day - Support the PTSA by visiting the Chic FilA Palladium and mention SWHS
6:00 PM Mens Varsity Wrestling Sarah Wilkes Invitational @ Morehead High School Away
6:00PM Womens Varsity Basketball Parkland High School Home
6:30PM Mens Junior Varsity Basketball Parkland High School Away
7:30 PM Mens Varsity Basketball Parkland High School Home

Saturday, January 12
9:00 AM Mens Varsity Wrestling Sarah Wilkes Invitational @ Morehead High School Away
8:00AM - 1:00PM School is open for Final Exam Boot Camps. Check with your child's teachers if they have exam preparation opportunities.

Wednesday, January 16
7:45 - 8:30AM Leadership Team Meeting

Saturday, January 26
8:00AM - Noon Saturday School - Media Center

Remember, you are always able to access this message on our school website under School News and titled Principal's Weekly Updates or on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Please follow Southwest High School at SouthwestGHS for TwitterFacebook, and Instagram! This is a great way for us to communicate and stay connected. 
We are... Southwest!

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