Good evening Southwest High School! I hope this blog finds you doing well, rested up for the start of school, and motivated to do your best!
First and foremost, as you have heard by now, our bell schedule has been changed due to the awful traffic congestion on Barrow and Southwest School Roads. We shared the new bell schedule as soon as GCS confirmed these changes. If you believe this may interfere with your child's schedule, please reach out to your counselor. If your child's counselor happens to be one of our new counselors; Ms. Shelli Campbell (E-L), or Ms. Kendra Graham (M-R), please e-mail Ms. Galissia Graves at
New bell schedule
Students arriving before 7:40 should wait in the:
Freshmen – Freshmen gym
Upper classmen – front atrium
(Note: this is a safety reason)
At 7:40, a bell will ring and allow students to swipe in to the one card pass system
Students are released to 1st block class 8:05
1st Block 8:10 to 9:50
2nd Block 9:55 to 11:25
3rd Block 11:30 to 1:35
1st lunch 11:30 to 11:55
12:00 sweep bell for 9th graders
2nd lunch 12:03 to 12:28
3rd lunch 12:36 to 1:01
4th lunch 1:10 to 1:35
4th Block 1:40 to 3:15
3:30 – Halls should be clear of ALL students
4:30 – dismissal from tutorials to get on after school buses on Tuesdays and Thursdays (once tutorials needing transportation starts).
Counseling Info and Assignments
Anna Compton - Freshmen -
Galissia Graves - A-D -
Shelli Campbell - E-L - e-mail forthcoming
Kendra Graham - M-R - e-mail forthcoming
Janet Hudgens - S-Z -
If there are schedule change requests, a scheduling change request form must be filled out and turned in. The first two days of the school year are dedicated to scheduling new enrollees and working with students who have a repeated class on their 1st semester schedule, a class out of order (level 2 before taking level 1), or a hole in the schedule. Days 3-5 will be focusing on all other scheduling changes.
10th – 12th graders with last
names S - Z (Mrs. Hudgens' case load)
Seniors: Tell people to text @hudgsw20 to the number
Juniors: Tell people to text @hudgsw21 to the number 81010
Sophomores: Tell people to text @hudgens22 to the number 81010
Ms. Graham (grades 10-12 last names M-R): Remind codes are @graham2020, @graham2021, &
Ms. Graves (grades 10-12 last names A-D): @graves2020 12th graders, @graves2021 11th
graders, @graves2022 10th graders
Ms. Compton (All of Grade 9) - @7467_f4
Order transcripts on
If you need
recommendation letters, please submit a resume in order to complete them.
Start to
complete college applications and pay attention to deadlines.
Links to
register for test.
Dress code (you can click on this link to the left) - please check the dress code on the Southwest Guilford High School website for very minor adjustments.
Open House - Monday, August 19th - 5PM to 7PM. Come meet your teachers, walk the halls to get an idea on how to best navigate. Visit the Italian ice truck or Wings food truck while on campus that evening. A portion of the proceeds will go right back to the PTSA. If you need the most updated schedule, we will have it ready for you. Please remember that schedule changes will not be responded to that evening. Schedule change forms however will be available. Also, transportation will be on site and there will be spirit wear for sale.

A heads up for AP students, it is never too early to start accessing the materials to be better prepared for your AP classes. AP students need to ask their AP teachers to share a join code to access AP classroom resources.
Special Announcement: We are looking for 2 to 3 girls to join our women’s golf team.
Currently, practice is at 6 PM at Jamestown Park. Please contact Coach Christman at
Sports passes available!!!
Upcoming Sports Schedule
Monday, August 19
6:00 PM Womens Varsity Tennis High Point Christian Academy Home
7:00 PM Mens Varsity Soccer OPEN DATE Forsyth Cup @ East Forsyth or Bishop Away
Tuesday, August 20
4:30 PM Womens Varsity Tennis Trinity High School Away
5:30 PM Womens Junior Varsity Volleyball Mc Michael High School Home
5:30 PM Mens Junior Varsity Soccer OPEN DATE Forsyth Cup @ Glenn HS Away
6:00 PM Coed Varsity Cross Country Rumble at the Ranch Home
6:30 PM Womens Varsity Volleyball Mc Michael High School Home
7:00 PM Mens Varsity Soccer OPEN DATE Forsyth Cup @ East Forsyth or Bishop Away
Wednesday, August 21
3:30 PM Womens Varsity Golf Wesleyan Christian Academy Away
4:30 PM Womens Varsity Tennis High Point Central High School Away
5:00 PM Womens Junior Varsity Volleyball Northern Guilford High School Away
6:00 PM Mens Junior Varsity Soccer Bishop Mc Guinness Memorial H S Home
6:30 PM Womens Varsity Volleyball Northern Guilford High School Away
Thursday, August 22
4:30 PM Womens Varsity Tennis Asheboro High School Home
5:00 PM Womens Junior Varsity Volleyball Wheatmore High School Away
5:30 PM Mens Junior Varsity Soccer OPEN DATE Forysth Co. @ East Forsyth or Bishop Away
6:30 PM Womens Varsity Volleyball Wheatmore High School Away
7:00 PM Mens Varsity Soccer OPEN DATE Forysth Co. @ East Forsyth or Bishop Away
Friday, August 23
7:30 PM Mens Varsity Football R J Reynolds High School Home
Remember, you are always able to access this message on our school website under School News and titled Principal's Weekly Updates or on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Please follow Southwest High School at SouthwestGHS for Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram! This is a great way for us to communicate and stay connected.
We are... Southwest!
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