Good evening Southwest!
I hope this message finds everyone doing well!
First and foremost, next Wednesday is a Holiday, Veteran's Day, a public holiday held on the anniversary of the end of World War I (November 11) to honor US veterans and victims of all wars. No School for staff or students. Thank you to everyone who has served.
Underclassman picture
day is Friday, December 4, in the freshman gym. Students will be photographed
following a specific schedule to prevent students from gathering in large
crowds. Schedule forthcoming. Health and safety protocols will be in place and must be followed or else those who can not follow these expectations will be required to leave the campus.
Seniors who have not taken their senior photo can do so on December 1, 2, or 3. Senior photos will be taken at the Lifetouch studio at 1210-C Bridford Parkway (the old Pier 1 building next to the Target). Seniors will sign up for an appointment time. Sign up sheet forthcoming. Due to Covid, seniors will only be able to take formal poses (tuxedo/drape pictures). No environmental/outdoor photos possible this year.
This video has been used district wide to provide information regarding pairing student and parent accounts in Canvas so parents can access what is due, what has been submitted, graded, etc. You’ll see in the video that one of the key pieces is a pairing code that can only originate from the student account holder.
Battle of the Books is getting ready to take off! Guilford County Schools has had a wonderful history of engaging high schoolers in reading and community. If you are interested in Southwest’s Battle of the Books club, please email Mrs. Hunt at There will be opportunities through Canvas and Teams for club meetings while maintaining safe procedures.

HOSA has planned to serve the community through various activities that we've been doing the past years.
These events will occur in the Media Center parking lot. Masks, social distancing MUST be utilized.
November 20th - "Cover the City" - collecting slightly or new blankets for the Homeless and Urban Ministry. A representative will come to collect the blankets this day.
December 18th - "Rylie's Blessings" - collecting new or slightly used toys to be donated to Wake Forest's Pediatric Unit playroom.
If you are looking for any basic needs: food, school supplies, housing, mental health resources or if you have any other need to assist your students, please contacts our School Social Worker, Emily Wright. She can be reached at 336-709-9537 or via e-mail at .
Spring Registration Dates For GTCC: (*Application is attached)
Registration opens for current students: November 9
Registration opens for new students: November 16
Deadline for New Applications: December 4
Deadline for Registration: December 15
First Day of Classes: January 11
Use this FORM
The counseling department will be holding a competition:
- Students can be featured on Southwest main page social media sites
- Seniors will send counselors quick bio of where they plan on attending or applied to, major they plan on selecting in college and a profile picture
- In order to be profiled they must: complete applications, login into their assigned counselor "open office hour" time during lunch, and send us proof
- It’s already time to think about registration for the 2021-2022 School Year! Counselors will meet with every student who are currently enrolled in English classes (underclassman only) to discuss options for the following school year, discuss transcripts, etc. Students will need to make their official course selections in Power School when the portal opens (IN SPRING) that’s accessible in their Power School account where they check their grades. Here is the link to registration book:
11th grade Last name A-D @swghs2022
12th grade Last Name A-D @swghs2021
Ms. Campbell
10th grade Last name E-L @cowgirl23
11th grade Last Name E-L @cowgirl22
12th grade Last Name E-L @cowgirl21
Ms. Graham
10th grade Last Name M-R @graham2023
11th grade Last Name M-R @graham2022
12th grade Last Name M-R @graham2021
Mrs. Hudgens
10th grade Last Name S-Z @hudgen23
11th grade Last Name S-Z @hudgen22
12th grade Last Name S-Z @hudgen21
Ms. Compton 9th grade
Class of 2024 STUDENTS
Class of 2024 PARENTS
Within this blog is a link regarding the required immunizations for 12th graders, Please reach out to our school nurse, Jennifer Conrad if you have any questions pertaining to these immunizations.
Just a friendly reminder that Lifetouch is still accepting scheduling appointments for seniors to be photographed. The link is embedded. Lifetouch Scheduling
Have you left your mark at SWGHS? Buy a Legacy Brick to commemorate your time as a Southwest Cowboy, and make a contribution to your sport, band or chorus to help fund critical equipment and uniform purchases and fees! AND get a great deal RIGHT NOW! The first 21 seniors/senior families to purchase a Legacy Brick this year will get 21% off the price of the brick! That's $21 off the $100 brick! Click here to order your brick, and enter 212021 in the promo code field to take advantage of this deal!
SW Athletic Department would like to thank each and every one of you that gave to the Cowboy Reunite Athletic Campaign for the month of October. With your generous donations, we raised $4,286 for equipment purchases for the upcoming seasons. We can’t thank you all enough and the money will be help us during this difficult time! We Are Southwest!
Help SW Athletics and Booster Club by Linking your Amazon Account to our Charity!
Click here:
Attention- Tryouts for M/W Swimming- Official Date- Nov. 23rd, 24th and 25th
Dates: Nov. 9th-13th
Note- We are still looking for 9th-12th boys and girls to join our XC team this fall. Please reach out to Coach Patrick or Coach Baker at or
SW Booster Club Meeting- Monday, Nov. 9th, 7 PM @ SW Gym lobby, Masks are required
Volleyball GCS Fair Play Meeting- Tuesday, Nov. 10th 5:45 PM JV Student/1 Parent, Varsity, 7 PM V Athlete/1 Parent required
XC GCS Fair Play Meeting- Thursday, Nov. 12th- 5:45 PM Stadium, Student Athlete and I Parent required
Upcoming Return to Play Sports: (Conditioning only first two weeks)
Nov. 9th- M/W Swimming Times/Dates: Nov. 10th/12th, 4 PM email Coach Byrd:
Nov.9th – Men’s JV/V Soccer Times/Dates: Nov. 10th/12th, 4 PM email Coach Manley:
Nov. 9th- Men’s Lax Times/Dates: Nov. 9th/11th, TBA email Coach Kanowicz:
Conditioning ONLY Practices:
M. Soccer- Nov. 10th/12th 4 PM check-in (Gym Parking lot) Conditioning-SW Tennis Courts Practice Ends: 5:30
M. Lax- Nov. 9th/11th Time TBA check-in (Gym Parking Lot) Conditioning- SW Tennis Courts Practice Ends: TBA
M/W Swimming- Nov. 10th/12th 4 PM check-in (Gym Parking Lot) Conditioning- Behind Gym Practice Ends: 5:30 PM
Practice Schedule for Nov. 9th-13th
Cheerleading- M/W 4:45 PM Check-in: SW Gym End: 6:15 PM
M. Basketball- M, T, Thurs)- 3:45 PM Check-in SW Gym End: 5:30 PM Wed. Practice- 2 PM
W. Basketball- M, T, Thurs- 5:30 PM Check-in SW Gym End: 7 PM
Volleyball- M-F 3:45 PM Check-in SW Gym End 5:45
XC- M-F 4:15 PM Check-in SW Gym End 6 PM
M. Soccer- T/Thurs 4 PM Check-in SW Gym Conditioning only End 5:30 PM
Swimming- T/Thurs 4 PM Check-in SW Gym Conditioning only End 5:30 PM
M. Lax- M/W 4 PM Check-in SW Gym Conditioning only End 5:30 PM
Required Paperwork and Items for Practices:
*All GCS/NCHSAA Covid-19 Return to Play forms and 20-21 Medical Health Form with Physical
*Must have water bottle, towel, bookbag each day for practice
From the desk of our Football Coach, Chuck Doak,
If you are interested in playing and have not talked with Coach Doak please click the link below and fill out the questionnaire.
We are in it it together. We got this. We are... Southwest!
Enjoy your weekend!
Mr. Hettenbach
We are in it it together. We got this. We are... Southwest!
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