Saturday, April 28, 2018

SWHS Principal's weekly updates for April 30

Good evening, this is Mike Hettenbach, Principal of Southwest Guilford High School with your weekly updates and reminders...

Thank you once again for the ongoing contributions all of you have provided to the individuals in need from the tornado damage that occurred in East Greensboro. The over whelming amount of items donated is just another example of the caring community we have. Thank you.

Great job this past Friday with the Southwest Guilford High School PTSA Spring Fling. Thank you to all participants who made this happen. Also, a big thank you to Ms. Cofer and her colleagues who played a big role in making this happen. It is always nice to see so many school groups come together to put on such a wonderful social event!

This Wednesday, Guilford County Schools is holding a Sandy Hook Promise Know the Signs training session for parents. The event runs from 6:00 to 7:30 and will be held in the auditorium. We are only one of two sites in the county to have this session so take advantage of the convenience of this program being in our very own auditorium. 

The student yearbook staff asked me to share that there are only a limited number of yearbooks left. The cost is $80.00 each. Cash and checks are accepted and can be brought to Room, D124. Distribution of yearbooks starts on May 25th.

As we enter the month of May, we find ourselves with only 5 full weeks of instruction followed by a week of exams. AP exams start the week of May 7 and end on May 18th. Please make sure your children who may be enrolled in AP classes take advantage of any study session opportunities that their AP teacher is providing.  Reach out to your child's teachers to seek out any of these opportunities as well as for other exams as we near the end of the school year. 

Seniors and parents of seniors, please make sure all scholarship/grant awards are turned in to their counselor even if they will not be attending the university that has given them the award.

As it relates to the weekly athletics, please feel free to navigate to the website for detailed information. 

Monday, April 30
TBA Mens Varsity Golf OPEN DATE NCHSAA Mid-West 3A Regionals Home
6:00 PM Womens Varsity Soccer North Forsyth High School Away
7:00 PM Mens Varsity Baseball OPEN DATE 1st Rd. Conference Tournament @ Higher
Seeded Team Home
Tuesday, May 1
6:00-9:00 SWHS Chorus sings at Grasshopper game - Greensboro Grasshopper Stadium
4:30 PM Womens Junior Varsity Soccer Summit School Away
5:00 PM Mens Junior Varsity Baseball Mount Tabor High School Away
6:00 PM Womens Varsity Soccer Ben L. Smith High School Home
7:00 PM Mens Varsity Baseball OPEN DATE Piedmont Triad 3A Conference
Semi-Finals #1 vs. #4/#5 Home
7:00 PM Womens Varsity Softball Piedmont Triad 3A Conference Tournament @ TBA Home

Wednesday, May 2
6:00 - 7:30PM GCS Event - Sandy Hook Promise Know the Signs Parent Training - SWHS Auditorium
TBA Womens Varsity Lacrosse OPEN DATE 1st Rd NCHSAA Playoffs vs. TBA Home
4:30 PM Mens Varsity Tennis OPEN DATE 1st Rd NCHSAA Playoffs vs. TBA Home
6:00 PM Womens Varsity Soccer Ragsdale High School Away
6:00 PM Womens Junior Varsity Soccer Cornerstone Charter Academy Away
7:00 PM Mens Varsity Baseball OPEN DATE Piedmont Triad 3A Semi- Final #2/7 vs.
#3/6 Home
7:00 PM Mens Varsity Lacrosse OPEN DATE 1st Rd. 3A State Playoffs @ TBA Home
7:00 PM Womens Varsity Softball Piedmont Triad 3A Conference Tournament @ TBA Home

Thursday, May 3
6:30 - 8:30 PM - Dance Recital - Auditorium
3:00 PM Coed Varsity Track Conference Tournament Meet @ Dudley Away
5:30 PM Womens Junior Varsity Soccer East Forsyth High School Home
7:00 PM Womens Varsity Soccer Dudley Senior High School Home

Friday, May 4
TBA Mens Varsity Tennis OPEN DATE NCHSAA Individual Regional @ TBA Home
TBA Womens Varsity Lacrosse OPEN DATE 2nd Rd. NCHSAA Playoffs (tentatively) Home
7:00 PM Mens Varsity Baseball OPEN DATE Piedmont Triad 3A Conference
Championship @ TBA Home
7:00 PM Mens Varsity Lacrosse OPEN DATE 2nd Rd. 3A NCHSAA Playoffs @ TBA Home
7:00 PM Womens Varsity Softball Piedmont Triad 3A Conference Championship @ TBA Home

Remember, you are always able to access this message on our school website under School News and titled Principal's Weekly Updates or on Facebook and Twitter. Please follow Southwest High School at SouthwestGHS for both Twitter and Facebook. This is a great way for us to communicate and stay connected. 
We are... Southwest!

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