Friday, August 14, 2020

SWGHS Principal's mid week message - what to expect day 1

Good evening Southwest, this is Mr. Hettenbach with a Friday night message. While I will also send you my routine Sunday message that will include so much more information, I want to reduce any anxiety for you and your family at this item. This information will be transferred to the Principal's Weekly Message tab on the website. 

First, as we approach Monday, I am including a link for all of you to review on some items to to get ready for the first day, Monday. Getting Ready for the 1st day of remote.docx

Attached is another link on What do Parents need to know about the first 9 weeks?

Next, within this blog is what the daily schedule looks like at SWGHS High School. 


Time of Day



8:30am – 9:00am

30 Minutes


9:00am – 10:00am

1 hour LIVE instruction

Block 1

10:00am – 10:10am

10 minutes


10:10am  - 11:10am

1 hour LIVE instruction

Block 2

11:10am – Noon

50 minutes


Noon – 1:00pm

1 hour LIVE instruction

Block 3

1:00pm – 1:30pm

30 minutes

Physical Activity Break

1:30pm – 2:30pm

1 hour LIVE instruction

Block 4

2:30pm – 3:00pm

30 minutes

Advisory time, teacher “office hours”, check in on discussion boards (Students receiving Special Education and English Learner services should check teacher canvas pages)

 Advanced Placement (AP) classes will continue to use college Board resources such as AP Classroom and AP Video Lessons, as directed by their teachers. AP teachers will share these resources


Staff and Students

Staff will be engaged in mandatory, content specific district-wide Professional Development. Staff will share specific Friday office hours for student and parent conferencing. Additionally, teachers will work with small groups, individuals, assessments, and more. Parents/students should take full advantage of Fridays to work with your student’s teachers. EC/EL teachers will meet with students on their caseloads.

All live instruction lessons will be recorded for reference at any time. In addition, there will be supplemental resources for students to access (i.e. pre-recorded instruction, discussion board posts, video links, etc.). Friday is an opportunity to get all items turned in for the week.

*We have an expectation that all communications will be responded to within 24 hours.

** Schedule subject to change

Additionally, there is a SWGHS Remote Learning student and parent handbook that we created and ask for you to review with your student

As I finish this short message in hope that it alleviates a little bit of anxiety, I would like us all to understand that, as the rest of the world is also in this predicament, we are starting from the ground up, and without precious funding from the local, state and federal levels. I will tell you that I am proud of all the collaboration I have experienced with GCS staff, parents, students around the county to make this start the best we can under these conditions. As the Principal of SW, I will tell you up front that it is not going to be easy, however, as we continue to build upon the distance learning resources, receiving and distributing devices, learning about all the newly developed resources over the upcoming time, and more, I believe we will look back and be in awe of how far we have come. 

We are all in this together, we got this, we are... Southwest!

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