Good evening Southwest!
Tomorrow is day 11 of our first 15 days in which we continue orienting ourselves as well as our students and parents. All of our staff should be putting their eyes on their students at this time on a daily basis as well as reaching out to those who have yet to engage. The only time during Monday through Thursday that your student may not experience live instruction is if the teacher is absent, and therefore has provided pre-recorded lessons for your student.
There is plenty of information within this blog to help you further navigate. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me if there is a particular process you are having difficultly with that you can not find within our posts and links.
Our schedule continues to remain Monday through Thursday with a set time for instruction.
Time of Day | Duration | Activity |
8:30am – 9:00am | 30 Minutes | Breakfast |
9:00am – 10:00am | 1 hour LIVE instruction | Block 1 |
10:00am – 10:10am | 10 minutes | Break |
10:10am - 11:10am | 1 hour LIVE instruction | Block 2 |
11:10am – Noon | 50 minutes | Lunch |
Noon – 1:00pm | 1 hour LIVE instruction | Block 3 |
1:00pm – 1:30pm | 30 minutes | Physical Activity Break |
1:30pm – 2:30pm | 1 hour LIVE instruction | Block 4 |
2:30pm – 3:00pm | 30 minutes | Advisory time, teacher “office hours”, check in on discussion boards (Students receiving Special Education and English Learner services should check teacher canvas pages) |
Advanced Placement (AP) classes will continue to use college Board resources such as AP Classroom and AP Video Lessons, as directed by their teachers. AP teachers will share these resources
Staff and Students
Friday will remain the same with staff engaged in mandatory, content specific district-wide Professional Development. Staff will share specific Friday office hours for student and parent conferencing. Additionally, teachers will work with small groups, individuals, assessments, and more. Parents/students should take full advantage of Fridays to work with your student’s teachers. EC/EL teachers will meet with students on their caseloads.
All live instruction lessons will be recorded for reference at any time. In addition, there will be supplemental resources for students to access (i.e. pre-recorded instruction, discussion board posts, video links, etc.). Friday is an opportunity to get all items turned in for the week.
*We have an expectation that all communications will be responded to within 24 hours.
** Schedule subject to change
We continue to update our "how to" links to assist everyone during remote learning. Feel free to access this document ... Remote Learning helpful links.docx
Please have your student request a hot spot if they DO NOT have internet, and do not live in any of the below areas (They have mobile bus wifi):
•Carson Stout
•New Gate Garden Apartments
If your child is in need of a laptop, please complete the Google form on the website under the Student tab or contact the media specialist Mrs. Virginia Hunt at As we begin the distribution process, we will contact parents to fill requests to inform them of the date, time, and pick up location. As we start to receive laptops, we will distribute the current ones we have based on priority needs. We have currently requested laptops from the district and will communicate once they arrive. We do plan on having devices for the entire district within 120 days. That's pretty impressive considering the high demand of electronic devices at this time. Thank you for your patience as we prepare for our school year and remote learning.
If you have a student who has volunteered hours, gone above and beyond to address community needs arising from Covid-19 and the ensuring economic challenges? Feel free to submit your student at or The application must be received by November 20. All information related to this can be found within the link on this blog.
Student pick up of classroom materials items occurred this past week. All remaining items that your teacher informed your student to pick up will be available this coming week between 9-3 every day at the front of the school.
A Canvas course for Service Learning has been created to keep you stay updated and answer any questions you may have regarding Service learning at Southwest High School. From your canvas dashboard click on the commons icon on your left side tool bar. Search for Southwest Guilford High Service Learning, then click on the title of the canvas course. Next click import/download and you will want to download the course to your canvas dashboard.
11th grade Last name A-D @swghs2022
12th grade Last Name A-D @swghs2021
Ms. Campbell
10th grade Last name E-L @cowgirl23
11th grade Last Name E-L @cowgirl22
12th grade Last Name E-L @cowgirl21
Ms. Graham
10th grade Last Name M-R @graham2023
11th grade Last Name M-R @graham2022
12th grade Last Name M-R @graham2021
Mrs. Hudgens
10th grade Last Name S-Z @hudgen23
11th grade Last Name S-Z @hudgen22
12th grade Last Name S-Z @hudgen21
Ms. Compton 9th grade
Class of 2024 STUDENTS
Class of 2024 PARENTS
Documents to peruse as we continue to navigate.....
Hygiene and Cleaning Protocols
Within this blog is a link regarding the required immunizations for Kindergarten, 7th and 12th graders, Please reach out to our school nurse, Jennifer Conrad if you have any questions pertaining to these immunizations.
Just a friendly reminder that Lifetouch is still accepting scheduling appointments for seniors to be photographed. The link is embedded. Lifetouch Scheduling
Any seniors who are interested in purchasing Senior shirts, you can visit the Spirit Store at
As it relates to Athletics, Coach Christman, the Cowboys Athletic Director will keep us up to speed. In the meantime, you can look at the revised schedule from the NCHSAA in how sports will run this year.
Southwest, I am so proud of the growth I am seeing from everyone involved in the remote learning. I continue to see so many barriers overcome, students, parents and staff taking advantage of the help that is out there. Please continue to reach out with any needs you have during this remote learning period.
Remember, you are always able to access this message on our school website under School News and titled Principal's Weekly Message or on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Please follow Southwest High School at SouthwestGHS for Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram! This is a great way for us to communicate and stay connected.
We are in it it together. We got this. We are... Southwest!
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