Good evening Southwest!
We are so excited to see our 9th graders return to the classroom this coming week. We have shared nightly messages to your homes to remind you of your student's cohort.
Please make sure you review the calendar dates at the end of the blog for specifics. We will be using a cohort model with half of the students attending in-person on Monday and Tuesday, and the other half attending in-person on Thursday and Friday. The remaining days will be remote learning days. Some secondary school students will remain learning remotely fulltime in alignment with the selections made by their parents/guardians prior to the start of second semester in January.
Students in 11th grade will take the ACT in person on Feb. 23 and March 9 (PLEASE SEE ALPHABET BELOW); ACT testing will occur with 50% of the students at a time to allow for social distancing. To accommodate the extra students on campus, students in grades nine, 10 and 12 will learn remotely on these dates.
Parents/guardians are also asked to carpool and/or transport their children to school, when possible. we also highly encourage your student to bring a clear water bottle.
When we return through the phases discussed above and through the remainder of the year, students or visitors upon arrival to campus each day must have filled out the attestation questions. If you have a smartphone, you can use the below QR codes to answer these questions. You will need to show the monitors that you have answered these upon entry. Additionally, visitors must have a valid ID when coming to campus to either check a student out or for visiting reasons. (New procedures are in place)
We highly recommend you downloading the Crisigo App for ease. Please check out this video!
Note: This process allows us to gather information about any possible symptoms of Covid-19 in the last 24 hours, potential exposure to someone currently displaying symptoms or direct contact with someone who has recently tested positive for Covid-19. This includes a temperature check. This is a daily requirement for all individuals who enter our building.
We ask you that everyone answers this screening honestly.
We ask that you do not send your student to school if he or she is complaining of ANY symptoms you have not had evaluated with your doctor. Something as simple as a headache, upset stomach, or allergy type symptom could all be a symptom of Covid-19.
We know there is a flood of information out there. Honesty and transparency are important tools to help minimize the spread of Covid-19.
We cannot predict this virus and know only in part how fast it transmits between people and the long term and short term effects it can have on people. Our goal is to stick together (while socially distanced) and be honest and open with each other.
If by chance your student is not feeling well and has to report to the isolation room, the parent or guardian MUST pick yp their student immediately. Paperwork will need to be filled out and returned before the student can return to campus.
The goal for Wednesdays has not changed. Contrary to messages thought or conveyed by others, classes will still be held, both synchronously and asynchronously depending on class needs. Beginning next week, Wednesdays will be a transition day between Mon/Tues and Thurs/Fri cohorts.
What does this mean for the students and parents of SW? In short, classes and learning will still occur Monday -> Friday. Full lessons are being planned for every single day of the week. Students will be expected to engage with these lessons in the appropriate manner whether it be at the school face to face or at home via distance learning. Wednesday lessons will offer students a different interpretation of teaching practices to empower the students to become a more rounded learner, one able to take charge of their own academic destiny. SW Educators will continue to provide a safety net for all students to assist and clarify through email, phone or of course, the one and only MS Teams to chat through whatever the issue.
The big difference is the time allotted for the block. Since all students are remote on Wednesdays, class times will be slightly less than the 90 minute time frame. This will give a break on screen time, and opportunities for students to stay on and ask for assistance from the teachers.
Southwest stands together with students and parents to provide the best educational opportunity available throughout this new learning adventure.
What may be seen on Wednesdays:
Instructional formats for small group instruction staggered start times assigned by teacher
Instructional formats within teams multiple rooms rotation with teacher feedback & consultation
Testing days
Instructional days for reteaching concepts based on assessment data
SEL Instructional Lesson
Students and teachers are expected to be engaging in the learning environment 5 days a week.
Start of school is 9:55, ending at 4:25
Students are allowed to enter the building
1st block 9:55-11:30
Students must be present within the first 10 minutes to be counted present and on time (when remote) Instruction starts at 10:05 to 11:05 with individual needs thereafter if requested (Office hours).
2nd Block 11:35-1:25 (Lunch Block)
11:40 - 12:08 Lunch 1
12:13 - 12:41 Lunch 2
12:46 -1:18 Lunch 3
Students must be present within the first 10 minutes to be counted present and on time (when remote) Instruction starts at 11:45 to 12:45 with individual needs thereafter if requested. This block is longer for the need of a lunch break when we return face to face.(Office hours)
3rd Block 1:30-2:55
Students must be present within the first 10 minutes to be counted present and on time (when remote) Instruction starts at 1:40 - 2:40 with individual needs thereafter if requested.(Office hours)
4th Block 3:00 - 4:25
Students must be present within the first 10 minutes to be counted present and on time (when remote) Instruction starts at 3:10 - 4:10 with individual needs thereafter if requested.(Office hours)
1st dismissal
2nd dismissal
3rd dismissal
As it relates to attendance, students who are returning to campus will be marked absent if they do not show up to class. This is not an optional day whether to work remote or face to face. If your student prefers to work remote for the rest of the semester, they must discuss this with their counselor to make this switch. Moving to remote would then stay intact for the remainder of the semester.
Students are expected to wear a face covering at all
times while on campus, except while eating. Face coverings should be clean and
at least two layers.
◾Meals will be eaten in
classrooms, not in the cafeteria.
◾Breakfast and lunch are free for
all students through the end of the school year.
◾Parents are encouraged to drive their students to campus if possible. If bus transportation is required, please fill out this FORM
◾Parents may use Here Comes the Bus to track their student’s bus location.
Please click on the link above for important Cap & Gown information. Immediate attention recommended for a virtual experience:
Dress Code
- Jeans with fabric underneath covering holes
- Joggers/Sweatpants/Athletic leggings acceptable
- Shorts/dresses not shorter than finger tips or top of knee
- No sagging pants
- No pajama pants/slippers
- Any t-shirts with no inappropriate language, symbols, alcohol/drug, political views (amongst other items), that can cause disruption, or is inappropriate to the education environment.
- All shirts should have sleeves (no tank tops/muscle shirts) (Be understanding with female dress attire, i.e dresses….)
- Masks - We require students to refrain from wearing masks that can cause disruption to the education environment. Some suggestions for acceptable masks; designs with no words, plain in color, Sw logo, etc.
- Sweatshirts (even with hoods) are acceptable as a primary top – but hoods must stay down while in school
- No hats
- No midriffs, “topdriff”, “Backdriff”
- No transparent clothes
Parking Permits
Students are required to display a SWHS parking decal at all
times when parking at SWHS. The fee is only $5 for the Spring 2020-21
semester. All students with a valid drivers license are eligible to
purchase a parking decal. Students can get an application from any of
their teachers. To get a decal, they will turn in the completed
application (including a parent signature), the $5 fee (only checks or money
orders will be accepted. NO CASH), and present their valid driver’s
license for verification. Here is a copy of the Parking Pass Paperwork.. Please make sure this is handled within a week form parking on campus in order to not have your car towed this is handled
ACT Testing
Please see additional information below and attached concerning the accounts students must create....
All students taking the ACT will create an account in to enter non-test information and select college or university score recipients. Students must also complete the non-test information on the answer folder on test day before beginning testing. is the only place where students will be able to indicate the schools that will receive their ACT score. This is a new procedure. If students do not plan to attend college, they should still complete the MyACT process to have access to their test scores online.
Resources Needed to Create a MyACT Account
Personalized copies of the Non-Test Instructions for Student form will contain personally identifiable information (PII) and must be picked up in person by the student or their parent/guardian in the front lobby at SWHS.
Timeline for Entering Information in
The non-test information section in MyACT is expected to go live for students on February 20th; students may enter their MyACT information at that time. Students will not be able to enter their student code or select college score recipients in MyACT before February 20th.
Need A device? Mobile Wifi? Click on the links below with your need. Mrs. Hunt will get back with you as soon as she can!
This video has been used district wide to provide information regarding pairing student and parent accounts in Canvas so parents can access what is due, what has been submitted, graded, etc. You’ll see in the video that one of the key pieces is a pairing code that can only originate from the student account holder.
The Guilford Apprenticeship Partners program is still accepting applications. If you are an interested junior or senior, it’s not too late to apply!
Remind codes Class of 2024 Students
Class of 2024 Parents
Ms. Graves 10th - 12th last names A -D
Remind codes 10th Grade Last Name A-D @swghs2023
11th Grade Last Name A-D @swghs2022
12th Grade Last Name A-D @swghs2021
Ms. Campbell 10th - 12th last names E - L
Remind codes 10th Grade Last Name E-L @cowgirl23
11th Grade Last Name E-L @cowgirl22
12th Grade Last name E-L @cowgirl21
Ms. Graham 10th- 12th last names M - R
Remind Codes 10th Grade Last Name M-R @graham2023
11th Grade Last Name M-R @graham2022
12th Grade last Name M-R @graham 2021
Mrs. Hudgens 10th - 12th last names S - Z
Schedule an appointment at
Remind Codes 10th Grade Last Name S-Z @swgh2023
11th Grade Last Name S-Z @hudgens22
12th Grade Last Name S-Z @hudgsw21
Have you left your mark at SWGHS?
For Game Schedules go to
Brindon Christman

We are resilient, we are together, we will rise up!
We are Cowboy Strong!
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