This coming week, we get to see our face to face students on campus for all 5 days. This certainly makes me a happy Principal seeing 5 full days of students in our building.
This past week we started distributing our graduation supplies to seniors. Graduates who did not pick up their supplies must contact Herff Jones.
If you haven't heard, the infamous SW golf tournament fundraiser set up by the Athletics Booster is back. Please check out the information below on how to register for this May 8th event.
Starting next week, we
will provide transportation for a field trip experience to the federally
supported vaccination site at Four Seasons Town Centre for GCS students ages 16
and up so they can receive their COVID-19 vaccinations. Southwest will be going
on May, 4, 5th and 6th. The second shot date will be on May 24th. There is no
charge for the vaccinations; however, we will need a signed permission from each
student’s parent or legal guardian to allow us to transport your child from
school to the vaccination site and back, and to allow health officials to
administer the Pfizer vaccination.
GCS Letter to Vaccination Eligible Students - English
COVID-19 - GCS Authorization Form - English
Vaccination Field Trip Parental Permission Slip - English
COVID -19 GCS Authorization Form - Spanish
Vaccination Field Trip Parental Permission Slip - Spanish
Letter to Vaccination Eligible Students - Spanish
We are now at the magic number of only 16 full instructional days left (when you back out the exam days)! Please monitor your student's grades daily and reach out to their teachers with any questions or concerns. This Wednesday is the ACT Make up exam for those students who did not attend the first opportunity. As we navigate through these last few weeks, I want to emphasize some key pieces within this blog. Please pay close attention to the calendar with the updated graduation/senior timeline. All testing dates for Teacher Made exams, AP exams, GCS Final Exams and State exams are listed.
Guilford County Schools has gone 1:1 with chrome books! That means that Southwest High has enough laptops for every student. Students who are learning in the building have already received theirs, but many remote students have not. If you are a remote learner, and you would like a GCS chrome book, please sign up for a pick up time using the Signup Genius at this link Please put the student’s name in the sign up genius, and Mrs. Hunt will have the laptop ready by the appointed time. Laptop pickups are at the parking lot door to the media center (just to the right of the circle).
Students are required to display a SWHS parking decal at all times when parking at SWHS. The fee is only $5 for the Spring 2020-21 semester. All students with a valid drivers license are eligible to purchase a parking decal. Students can get an application from any of their teachers. To get a decal, they will turn in the completed application (including a parent signature), the $5 fee (only checks or money orders will be accepted. NO CASH), and present their valid driver’s license for verification. Here is a copy of the Parking Pass Paperwork.. Parking passes have been distributed. Warning stickers will be placed on cars that do not have permits. Additional warnings result in the car getting towed.
The staff and community members of Southwest Guilford High School want to celebrate YOU!
Your Senior year is one that many look forward to upon entering elementary school. It is also a year that no one never forgets. All of you have certainly made your mark in history with the most senior skip days of any other class……. EVER! So please allow us to help you celebrate by “adopting” you.
Here is how it works:
A Facebook Group has been created for you and your families called Adopt-A-2021-Senior. If you or someone in your family is on Facebook, please search for the group, answer the three questions and join. Staff and community members can either request a senior or be matched up with a senior if they do not know one graduating this year to “adopt” for celebrating. The staff and community member will deliver their celebration gifts to you between May 20th – June 3rd.
Please send any questions to
Stay tuned there are many other ways we have started planning to celebrate you from now until June 4th!
Please email Mrs. Whitestone, if you do NOT wish to participate.
This video has been used district wide to provide information regarding pairing student and parent accounts in Canvas so parents can access what is due, what has been submitted, graded, etc. You’ll see in the video that one of the key pieces is a pairing code that can only originate from the student account holder.
Scholarships, FAFSA, and more! Please read the Counselors' newsletter!
Take the first step toward paying for college by filling out the FAFSA. We understand that the FAFSA can be vital to financing your student's education and are here to help with the many resources below.
Career and College Promise offers North Carolina high school students the chance to
earn college credits at a community college campus. The program is
tuition-free for high school juniors and seniors (semester fees will be due). You must have a cumulative unweighted GPA of 2.8 or higher or passing test scores.
Students can earn:
· College credit transferable to all UNC System Institutions and many of NC’s Independent Colleges and Universities
· A credential, certificate or diploma in a technical career
Important Dates:
Summer 2021 Semester:
· March 15, 2021: Priority Deadline for Early Registration
· May 13, 2021: Deadline to submit new applications
· June 2, 2021: First Day of 8 week summer classes
· July 27, 2021: Last day of classes
Fall 2021 Semester:
· March 15, 2021: Priority Deadline for Early Registration
· July 15, 2021: Deadline to submit new applications
New Student Admissions Meetings
Admissions Sessions are required for all new students.
Because of COVID-19, the recorded Admissions Session below replaces the
required Admissions Meeting. Please submit a completed application packet
with all signatures after viewing the Admissions Session.
The Admissions Session includes information on the following:
· General Program Information
· Curriculum Pathways
· How to navigate the website to search for classes
· How to register for classes
· Q & A
It is important that you and your student watch the entire recording. Please right click on the link below to access the recorded meeting.
Recorded CCP Admissions Session
Once you and your student have viewed the Admissions Session:
1. Determine your Career and College Promise Pathway –
Write the Pathway name and Code on your Verification Form. Please refer
to the Dual Credit Allowances Document for information on how the high school
credits dual courses.
There are two types of Career and College Promise Pathways:
o College Transfer Pathways – GTCC offers seven different college transfer
o Career/Technical Education Pathways – GTCC offers numerous certificate and diploma programs.
Use the links below to learn more about them.
College Transfer Pathway
Career and Technical Education Pathway
2. Complete the Application Packet (forms are attached). (Signatures may be obtained by email.)
The Application Packet includes:
o GTCC Application for Admission – Student signature required on page 2. Please do not include the social security number on the application for admission.
o Verification of Student Eligibility Form – Please make sure that you have all signatures required and that you have included the pathway.
o Year-End High School Transcript – courses must be listed by grade level, signed and dated by principal and include a cumulative unweighted GPA.
Please send a copy of your latest transcript with the admissions packet. If you attend a public high school, you may request this through Please provide your High School ID # on the Verification Form. If your transcript is in a sealed envelope, you may open it and scan it.
o Copy of Home School State Registration (if applicable)
o Consent to Release Form – to be completed by the student.
o Media Release Form – to be completed by the parent.
3. Scan your application packet and email the documents as attachments using the attach
button to Do not copy and paste the documents into the body of the email.
Once you have submitted your application packet:
o Please be checking the email listed on your application. If something is missing, you will be notified. After the application is processed, the applicant will receive an email with Titan Account Activation Instructions.
o After activating your Titan account, please log into your GTCC Titan Email and check it frequently. You will receive registration instructions around March 1, 2021. Applicants who apply after March 15, will receive registration instructions after their application is processed.
o Once you have registered for classes, you will be sent an email with instructions for our mandatory online CCP Orientation.
Please keep in mind that the purpose of CCP is for eligible high school students to earn college credits towards a college degree, diploma, or certificate.
Dual credit for high school graduation requirements is a bonus, but should not be what drives course selection. Courses in the CCP transfer pathways should be selected based on the published bachelor degree plan for the major at the university the student intends to transfer to after high school.
Remind codes Class of 2024 Students
Class of 2024 Parents
Ms. Graves 10th - 12th last names A -D
Remind codes 10th Grade Last Name A-D @swghs2023
11th Grade Last Name A-D @swghs2022
12th Grade Last Name A-D @swghs2021
Ms. Campbell 10th - 12th last names E - L
Remind codes 10th Grade Last Name E-L @cowgirl23
11th Grade Last Name E-L @cowgirl22
12th Grade Last name E-L @cowgirl21
Ms. Graham 10th- 12th last names M - R
Remind Codes 10th Grade Last Name M-R @graham2023
11th Grade Last Name M-R @graham2022
12th Grade last Name M-R @graham 2021
Mrs. Hudgens 10th - 12th last names S - Z
Schedule an appointment at
Remind Codes 10th Grade Last Name S-Z @swgh2023
11th Grade Last Name S-Z @hudgens22
12th Grade Last Name S-Z @hudgsw21
SW Staff, Parents and Community Supporters!
Exciting news update this week from “The Ranch”!
2021 Piedmont Triad 3A Conference Champs- Women’s Soccer 3rd in a row! Playoff’s Monday night at home time: TBA Tickets:
2021 Piedmont Triad 3A Co-Conference Champs- Men’s Tennis Playoff Qualifiers: Trung Nguyen, Jacob Rosen, Daniel Etheredge and Grant Prevatt
Men’s Golf- 3A Mid-West Regional Qualifier Brandon Gold and Jordan Draper
W. Tennis started the season and are now 1-1 in non-conference play!
Wrestling won Thursday night in their opening matches defeating Ledford 50-27 and then N. Davidson 72-4
Baseball (1-0) defeating N. Iredell 6-5 Play tonight vs. RJR at 7 PM at The Ranch tickets:
Track/Field M-W Teams defeated Cornerstone Academy and HP Central both on Wednesday. Both teams race again tonight in a Friday Night under the Lights at Ragsdale HS. Tickets:
Prizes, silent auction items, lunch are all included! Meadowlands Golf Course May 8th. Hole Sponsors available!
Thanks all and Go Cowboys!
Brindon Christman

Monday, May 10th
8:00 AM AP World History : Modern
12:00 PM (Noon) AP Macro Economics In-Person, Paper/Pencil
Tuesday, May 11th
Senior Picnic - More Information to come
Block 2 state exam students only attend school - dismissal between 1:30-2
12:00PM (Noon) US Comparative Government and Politics-Digital, At-Home
12:00PM (Noon) Human Geography-Digital, At-Home
We are resilient, we are together, we will rise up!
We are Cowboy Strong!