I hope this message finds everyone doing well!
This coming week is Homecoming week which means it is a very exciting and a very busy week with many items on the calendar. Please make sure you review this message entirely so your student is in the loop.
Even if your student is not college bound, please send them to their counselor for a conversation.
In addition,
This coming Friday is the end of the first quarter.Please make sure your student has made up any owed time in order to get credit for their grade for the first quarter. Any student who has NOT completed their make up time will receive a 55/F as their grade until they have made up time. Remember to use Parent Assist to monitor your student's grades and attendance. If you have trouble accessing Parent Assist, please contact our Data manager, Mrs. Kristy Cline.
After school tutorial buses started this past Tuesday and will be available EVERY Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30 to 4:30 unless otherwise communicated. Students who are needing tutorial transportation must be in their tutoring location no later than 3:30 and must stay until 4:30. If students do not follow those expectations they will not be allowed a ride on the tutorial buses at 4:30. Please check with your students' teachers if they will conduct tutorials on these days. Also, as it relates to after school, no students should be hanging around campus. Students must be involved in a tutorial, club or sport. Please make sure you are picking up your student after school no later than 3:30, or immediately after their tutorial, club meeting or sport. We do not have supervision after school and this is a safety issue. Thank you for assisting us with this expectation.

After school tutorial buses started this past Tuesday and will be available EVERY Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30 to 4:30 unless otherwise communicated. Students who are needing tutorial transportation must be in their tutoring location no later than 3:30 and must stay until 4:30. If students do not follow those expectations they will not be allowed a ride on the tutorial buses at 4:30. Please check with your students' teachers if they will conduct tutorials on these days. Also, as it relates to after school, no students should be hanging around campus. Students must be involved in a tutorial, club or sport. Please make sure you are picking up your student after school no later than 3:30, or immediately after their tutorial, club meeting or sport. We do not have supervision after school and this is a safety issue. Thank you for assisting us with this expectation.

OneCard identification badge wearing will be starting this coming week. Mr. Miller has informed our staff that students need to start wearing their badges/lanyards. Students can have any lanyard they would like, and if they need one, to let one of their teachers know.
This coming week, while we will all start telling students to wear their cards. they will be required to have them displayed during the instructional day. On Thursday and Friday of this coming week, the swiping machines will be in full effect. Thank you for reminding your student to start wearing their identification badge
Free Application for Federal Student Aid Day! FASFA opened up Oct. 1, so, to begin the application process, go to the link (https://studentaid.ed.gov/sa/fafsa) Also, go to www.cfnc.org for one stop shop for scholarships searches, apply for college, study for tests, sending transcripts, and much more.
Counseling Info and Assignments
Anna Compton - Freshmen - comptoa@gcsnc.com
Galissia Graves - A-D - gravesg3@gcsnc.com
Shelli Campbell - E-L - campbes2@gcsnc.com
Kendra Graham - M-R - grahamk2@gcsnc.com
Janet Hudgens - S-Z - hudgenj@gcsnc.com
Ms. Graves' codes:
10th-12th graders with last names A-D
Seniors: @graves2020
Juniors: @graves2021
Sophomores: @graves2022
10th – 12th graders with last names S - Z
Seniors: Tell people to text @hudgsw20 to the number 81010
Juniors: Tell people to text @hudgsw21 to the number 81010
Sophomores: Tell people to text @hudgens22 to the number 81010
Ms. Graham's codes:
10th-12th graders with last names M-R
Seniors: @graham2020
Juniors: @graham2021
Sophomores: @graham2022
Mrs. Campbell's codes:
10th - 12th graders with last names E-L
Seniors: Campbell2020 @cowgirl20
Juniors: Campbell2021 @cowgirl21
Sophomores: Campbell2022@cowgirl22
Ms. Compton 's codes:
9th grade - @7467_f4
Monday, October 21
HC 2019 Spirit Days - Movie Madness Monday- Dress like your favorite movie character
College application week - Staff and seniors wear college shirts all week long. Seniors can wear jeans on Friday IF they wear a college shirt.
9:00 AM Womens Varsity Golf OPEN DATE NCHSAA 3A Central Regionals @ Greensboro National Golf Course Away
5:30 PM Mens Junior Varsity Soccer Parkland High School Home
6:00 PM Womens Varsity Volleyball OPEN DATE Piedmont Triad Conference Tournament 1st Round @ Higher team site Home
7:00 PM Mens Varsity Soccer Parkland High School Home
Tuesday, October 22
HC 2019 Spirit Days - Too Tired Tuesday - PJ Day
College application week - see Monday
7:00 - Orchestra Concert
TBA Womens Varsity Golf OPEN DATE NCHSAA 3A Central Regionals @ TBA Away
TBA Womens Varsity Volleyball OPEN DATE Piedmont Triad Conference Tourament Semi-Finals Home
5:00 PM Coed Varsity Cross Country Conference Championship Meet @ Ivy Redmond Home
5:30PM Mens Junior Varsity Soccer Ben L. Smith High School Home
7:00 PM Mens Varsity Soccer Ben L. Smith High School Home
Wednesday, October 23
HC 2019 Spirit Days - Way Back Wednesday- Decades- 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s
College application week - see Monday
Powder Puff Game 6-8pm
6:00 PM Womens Varsity Volleyball OPEN DATE PT 3A Conference Tournament Finals Home
Thursday, October 24
Soccer Breast Cancer Awareness Game
HC 2019 Spirit Days - Growing Up Thursday- Fresh: Babies; Sophomores: College; Juniors: Soccer Moms/Baseball Dads; Seniors: Senior Citizens; Staff: Teenagers
College application week - see Monday
Blood Drive - 8AM - 2PM - Old Gym
7:00 - Chorus Concert
5:30 PM Mens Junior Varsity Soccer Western Guilford High School Home 7:00 PM Mens Varsity Soccer Western Guilford High School Home
7:00 PM Mens Junior Varsity Football Western Guilford High School Away
Friday, October 25
HC 2019 Spirit Days - Friday- Cowboys vs Aliens…What’s your favorite? Cowboys and Cowgirls in theme can wear Jeans to support the day!
College application week - see Monday
7:30 PM Mens Varsity Football Western Guilford High School *Homecoming* Home
End of the first quarter
2:30 to dismissal - Pep Rally - Coggins Gym
Friday - Homecoming Court & Game
Saturday, October 26
TBD - Volleyball (more information will be forthcoming)
8:00PM - 11:30PM Homecoming Dance
FAFSA Day - GTCC-Jamestown -9AM - Noon
More dates:
Monday, October 28
Mandatory Workday for teachers - no school for students
Wednesday, October 30
Pre-ACT bubbling - sophomores - more info to come
Seniors - grad supplies Order Date during morning hours - schedule will be forthcoming - Coggins Gym
It’s College Application week … ALL WEEK for SENIORS
Seniors…College Shirts every day (Jeans with College Shirts on Friday only)
Monday, October 21
HC 2019 Spirit Days - Movie Madness Monday- Dress like your favorite movie character
College application week - Staff and seniors wear college shirts all week long. Seniors can wear jeans on Friday IF they wear a college shirt.
9:00 AM Womens Varsity Golf OPEN DATE NCHSAA 3A Central Regionals @ Greensboro National Golf Course Away
5:30 PM Mens Junior Varsity Soccer Parkland High School Home
6:00 PM Womens Varsity Volleyball OPEN DATE Piedmont Triad Conference Tournament 1st Round @ Higher team site Home
7:00 PM Mens Varsity Soccer Parkland High School Home
Tuesday, October 22
HC 2019 Spirit Days - Too Tired Tuesday - PJ Day
College application week - see Monday
7:00 - Orchestra Concert
TBA Womens Varsity Golf OPEN DATE NCHSAA 3A Central Regionals @ TBA Away
TBA Womens Varsity Volleyball OPEN DATE Piedmont Triad Conference Tourament Semi-Finals Home
5:00 PM Coed Varsity Cross Country Conference Championship Meet @ Ivy Redmond Home
5:30PM Mens Junior Varsity Soccer Ben L. Smith High School Home
7:00 PM Mens Varsity Soccer Ben L. Smith High School Home
Wednesday, October 23
HC 2019 Spirit Days - Way Back Wednesday- Decades- 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s
College application week - see Monday
Powder Puff Game 6-8pm
6:00 PM Womens Varsity Volleyball OPEN DATE PT 3A Conference Tournament Finals Home
Thursday, October 24
Soccer Breast Cancer Awareness Game
HC 2019 Spirit Days - Growing Up Thursday- Fresh: Babies; Sophomores: College; Juniors: Soccer Moms/Baseball Dads; Seniors: Senior Citizens; Staff: Teenagers
College application week - see Monday
Blood Drive - 8AM - 2PM - Old Gym
7:00 - Chorus Concert
5:30 PM Mens Junior Varsity Soccer Western Guilford High School Home 7:00 PM Mens Varsity Soccer Western Guilford High School Home
7:00 PM Mens Junior Varsity Football Western Guilford High School Away
Friday, October 25
HC 2019 Spirit Days - Friday- Cowboys vs Aliens…What’s your favorite? Cowboys and Cowgirls in theme can wear Jeans to support the day!
College application week - see Monday
7:30 PM Mens Varsity Football Western Guilford High School *Homecoming* Home
End of the first quarter
2:30 to dismissal - Pep Rally - Coggins Gym
Friday - Homecoming Court & Game
Saturday, October 26
TBD - Volleyball (more information will be forthcoming)
8:00PM - 11:30PM Homecoming Dance
FAFSA Day - GTCC-Jamestown -9AM - Noon
More dates:
Mandatory Workday for teachers - no school for students
Wednesday, October 30
Pre-ACT bubbling - sophomores - more info to come
Seniors - grad supplies Order Date during morning hours - schedule will be forthcoming - Coggins Gym
Saturday, November 16
9-12:30 SWGHS Parent Empowerment Summit
9-12:30 SWGHS Parent Empowerment Summit
Remember, you are always able to access this message on our school website under School News and titled Principal's Weekly Updates or on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Please follow Southwest High School at SouthwestGHS for Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram! This is a great way for us to communicate and stay connected.
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