Friday, April 10, 2020

SWGHS Principal's updates for the week of April 13

Hello Southwest,

I'd like to welcome everyone back from what I am hoping was a relaxing week from distance learning. I hope each and everyone of you are healthy and ready to get back in the groove of working on your academics. 

We only have 7 weeks until the end of school. This is an opportunity for those of you who are failing classes to start applying yourself so you can pass these classes and earn credits.  This is also an opportunity for those of you who are currently passing your classes to stay on track. I do hope that all of you understand that staying on top of your academics is an investment towards the next semester, whether it be in High School or college. All students grades 9-12 should be engaged with their teacher. We are reviewing daily reports of those who are and are not engaged in canvas. At this time, we see only 10% of our student body disengaged. Thank you to the 90% who are continuing their studies as expected. If there is an issue such as needing a device, you should e-mail Dr. Monell immediately. Now, while we are still waiting on additional clarifications on the state’s Pass/Fail for seniors, I cannot emphasize enough how important it is for all seniors to be continuing their work as their studies will impact their future. Seniors who were failing as of March 16 need to work with their teachers to continue working and get that grade up or else they are in jeopardy of graduating on June 5.  For underclassmen, there has yet to be a decision on whether a numerical grade will be assigned, so please know it is vital for all students to be involved in their studies as their grades, if numerical, may end up being applied to their GPA, and cumulative credits towards graduation.

The state has yet to waive the NCFEs so this is yet another reason for all students regardless of their grade stay top of their studies. I am sure we will find out more on this in the near future. AP exams are now finalized and are being communicated to you via your counselor and teacher. The format in how they are delivered will be different but will occur. A gentle reminder that there are instructions within this blog for parents who wish to monitor their student's canvas activity. 

As it relates to Career College Promise classes, if dually enrolled students are unable to complete a currently enrolled college course, they can follow the guidance within this blog.

If a high school SENIOR is unable to complete a college course for any reason (Access to a Wi-Fi connected device or broadband in order to complete courses offered online may not be available; ● Community college course content may not be able to be completed in an online format; ● Community colleges may not have the capacity to offer remote learning; IL/ME:SSC/KG.3.27.20 ● High schools may be closed resulting in no access to community college course; or ● Students/family may have health or other personal reasons to not be able to complete the course due to the pandemic.)
  1. NCDPI and NCCCS recommends that the Community College withdraw the student from the community college course issues occurred for below: 
  2. Southwest will verify that the student is enrolled in the corresponding approved high school course and give the student a grade of Pass based on progress as of March 13. If the community college course is not needed to satisfy a graduation requirement, give the student a grade of Withdraw.
If a high school student is a JUNIOR and is unable to complete a community college course, NCDPI and NCCCS recommend:

  1. Community College: Withdraw the student from the community college course; or Assign an Incomplete for the community college course with the understanding that the student may be able to complete the course during the summer term or the next academic year at no additional future cost. 
  2. NCDPI and NCCCS recommend a clear statement on the transcript that this Incomplete is due to COVID-19.
  3. Southwest will verify that the student is enrolled in the corresponding approved high school course and give the student a grade of Pass using based on progress as of March 13.
  4. Withdraw from courses have been extended until April 24th (per Ms. Whitlow, Liaison CCP/Dual enrollment,

EOGs, EOCs, and related Alternate Assessments will not be administered this Spring 2020 per the approved State Testing Waiver submitted to the USDOE.
NCFEs at this time are still undecided upon by the state. Once more information is provided by the General Assembly, an update on NCFEs will be communicated. 

Please continue to stay healthy, exercise, sanitize not only your hands, but items you touch. Social distancing is absolutely key to slowing this pandemic down.

Please make sure you all are signed up for your teachers' and counselors'  reminds to stay in touch, as well as checking their websites for any necessary instructions to access online learning opportunities.

A gentle reminder that we have amazing staff on site who can support you during these times. Please make sure you reference this attachment in case you need anything
Please continue to stay healthy Southwest. Our staff continue to work extremely hard behind the scenes transforming their delivery of education to best serve your student at this time. Their efforts are aimed at making sure you continue to get the education you deserve. Please do not sit back and take this as a free pass, as this mindset will hurt you once wwe return to normal, or move towards college. Feel free to e-mail your teachers if you need assistance with your student's work, or call any of our support staff if you need additional support outside of your academics.  I  am hoping I receive more information related to grading, graduation and more over the next few weeks. I can assure you that as soon as I receive information, I will share it with you all. I miss each and every one of you and can not wait to see you real soon!  Thank you very much, have a great night, practice social distancing please, and remember we are... Southwest!

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