I hope this message finds everyone staying healthy and on top of all activities that your teachers are assigning. Everything you are provided will have an impact next year, whether it be High School or College, regardless of grades. So, please make that effort to stay the course.
A gentle reminder for seniors to report scholarships to the counselors.
Seniors, all work must be turned in and completed by May 29th in order for us to properly prepare for graduation. As it relates to graduation, we are holding off on cap and gown distribution until GCS fives us the green light. Also, please know that GCS is still looking at all possibilities as it relates to Graduation, Hang tight for more information as we continue to navigate through these uncharted waters.
Parent Letter for Seniors
Parent Letter for students in Grades 9-11
Congratulations to the 9 students who have currently signed to play athletics at a college or university next year. The virtual signing occurred this past week. They are:Rodney Scott - Football, Miles Taylor - Basketball, Tate Abbott - Swimming, Noah Bankston- XC/Track, Nick Otremba - Lacrosse, Kandyce Condrey - Softball, Haley Hmiel - Softball, Hannah Chu - Soccer - Logan Parry - Soccer, and Matthew Jones - Football. Congratulations!
As it relates to AP exams, there is plenty of information within this blog that I encourage you to review. AP students should be checking their e-mail for information from College Board as well as be looking for contact from their AP teachers.
Please encourage your students to take advantage of the different resources designed by the College Board to promote student success on these exams. Instruction and support will continue to be provided by our dedicated AP teachers who are also receiving additional instructional resources from the College Board. We strongly encourages students enrolled in an AP course to take their AP Exam(s).
Exam Window
Dates: May 11- 22, 2020 Make-ups: June 1-5. 2020*
The student exam date is based on the course. Visit here for specific exam dates.
*The make-up exam window should be used for emergency situations only.
Exam Features
- The exam will only include topics and skills most AP teachers and students have already covered in class by early March.
- This year’s AP exams will be open book/open note. Get tips for taking open book/open note exams at Tips for AP Open Note Exams
- Most exams will have one or two free-response questions, and each question is timed separately. For example, some tests will have portfolio submissions, some will have one question to answer, some will have two questions to answer. Carefully review your course expectations.
- Students will need to write and submit their responses within the allotted time for each question.
- For most subjects, the exams will be 45 minutes long and include an additional 5 minutes for uploading. Students will need to access the online testing system 30 minutes before the exam start time to logon.
- Teachers will receive copies of student responses to questions to affirm the validity of the answer and to confirm that it is indeed the student’s actual work.
- Students will be able to take exams on any device—computer, tablet, or smartphone. They may type and upload their responses or write responses by hand and submit a photo via their cell phone. Students who do not have access to one of the devices mentioned above or do not have access to internet connectivity should notify their AP Coordinator or reach out to us directly to College Board and let them know.
Test Format and Additional Information
This link provides students with specific details about the format of their course exams.
Courses with Portfolio Submissions or Alternate Submission
The following courses will use portfolio submissions and will not have a separate online exam. All deadlines for these submissions have been extended to May 26, 2020, 11:59 p.m. ET:
- 2-D Art and Design
- Computer Science Principles (note: this portfolio submission is best done on a laptop)
- Research
- Seminar
- Students taking AP world language and culture exams will complete two spoken tasks consistent with free-response questions three and four on the current AP Exam. Written responses will not be required. We will provide more details in the coming weeks to help students prepare.
Exam Timing and Tasks
- Each subject’s exam will be taken on the same day at the same time, worldwide.
- Students may take the exam at home or in school if schools reopen. If schools reopen, then they will communicate the logistics to the students.
- These are the ONLY DATES AND TIMES that a student can take these exams. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Taking the Exam
- In late April, the College Board will provide AP students and educators with information on how to access the testing system on test day, along with video demonstrations so that students can familiarize themselves with the system.
- Students will receive an access link to sign into the system to take their test via the email address they provided when they signed up for their online AP account.
- Students WILL have the opportunity to practice on the system prior to testing day. Information regarding that will be sent soon.
Exam Preparation (AP Live & Review) Full AP Exam Schedule
- Continue working toward college credit and placement with free, live AP review lessons, delivered by AP teachers from across the country.
- These mobile-friendly classes:
- Are optional and designed to be used alongside work that may be given by schools.
- Are available on-demand after the original presentation so teachers and students can access them any time.
- Are not dependent on current AP teachers continuing instruction. We know many AP teachers now face challenges that would make that impossible.
- Enable AP students to complete the few remaining topics of each AP class and then, throughout April, focus on reviewing the skills and concepts from the first 75% of the course.
- To access the live classes and recordings, visit the AP Live YouTube channel. College Board will be adding more courses soon.
Here are some other ways to get ready for your exam:
- Complete any assignments from your AP teachers in the AP Classroom. These may include Topic Questions, Personal Progress Checks, and free-response practice exam questions. Once you complete each assignment, you will see reports with feedback that can help you target additional practice.
- For more details about your exams, visit Taking AP Exams, and see our FAQ page for more questions.

As we continue to navigate these waters, I will continue to share information as I receive it. I caution everyone to be careful listening to what others say. GCS has every bit of information on their website, and we do our part of sharing it as well. Thank you very much for all that you do. I miss you all and cant wait until we see each other again! Have a great night and remember, we are, Southwest!
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