Good evening Southwest!
1st block 9:55-11:30
Students must be present within the first 10 minutes to be counted present and on time (when remote) Instruction starts at 10:05 to 11:05 with individual needs thereafter if requested (Office hours).
2nd Block 11:35-1:25
Students must be present within the first 10 minutes to be counted present and on time (when remote) Instruction starts at 11:45 to 12:45 with individual needs thereafter if requested. This block is longer for the need of a lunch break when we return face to face.(Office hours)
3rd Block 1:30-2:55
Students must be present within the first 10 minutes to be counted present and on time (when remote) Instruction starts at 1:40 - 2:40 with individual needs thereafter if requested.(Office hours)
4th Block 3:00 - 4:25
Students must be present within the first 10 minutes to be counted present and on time (when remote) Instruction starts at 3:10 - 4:10 with individual needs thereafter if requested.(Office hours)
2nd semester TEXTBOOK DISTRIBUTION for students
Sign in to the Parent Portal
Once in under Navigation on the left
Click My Schedule
Students full schedule should appear
Once in under Navigation on the left
Click on My Schedule
Students full schedule should appear
Note: Schedules are subject to change. Continue to monitor your students schedule.
Cohorts for return, will be communicated at a later time due to the daily request to change from face to face back to remote, or vice versa.
This video has been used district wide to provide information regarding pairing student and parent accounts in Canvas so parents can access what is due, what has been submitted, graded, etc. You’ll see in the video that one of the key pieces is a pairing code that can only originate from the student account holder.
Transportation requests for 2nd semester - this must be done immediately or you will not be allowed on the bus!
Click on this link!
Senior families how have yet to order or pick up their graduation supplies, please reach out to Herff Jones through their online portal.
The 2021-22 school year A.L. Brooks Scholarship application will be activated on December 7, 2020. The student’s full application packet must be electronically completed and submitted with all required information/documentation via the application system by January 31, 2021 to receive consideration.
The website that houses information about the Program and that will have the link to the application can be accessed via the “Program Information” tab below.
Scholarship opportunity!
Remind codes Class of 2024
Class of 2024 Parents
Ms. Graves 10th - 12th last names A -D
Remind codes 10th Grade Last Name
A-D @swghs2023
11th Grade Last Name A-D
12th Grade Last Name A-D
Ms. Campbell 10th - 12th last names E - L
Remind codes 10th Grade Last Name
E-L @cowgirl23
11th Grade Last Name E-L
12th Grade Last name E-L
Ms. Graham 10th- 12th last names M - R
Remind Codes 10th Grade Last Name
M-R @graham2023
11th Grade Last Name M-R
12th Grade last Name M-R
@graham 2021
Mrs. Hudgens 10th - 12th last names S - Z
Schedule an appointment at
Remind Codes 10th Grade Last Name
S-Z @swgh2023
11th Grade Last Name S-Z
12th Grade Last Name S-Z
Have you left your mark at SWGHS?
For Game Schedules go to
Brindon Christman

Tuesday, January 26th
PSAT for those who enrolled
Asynchronous instruction for students not testing
Piedmont Triad 3A Conference Championship Swimming Meet at GAC
Good luck to Coach Byrd and Coach Steely team!
5/7 PM JV/V Soccer vs. HPC Home - tickets- 25 available only purchased online at (see QR code)
Wednesday, January 27th
Open House 6:00PM - 7:20PM
5 PM JV Soccer vs. NWG Home - tickets- 25 available only purchased online at (see QR code)
Thursday, January 28th
Textbook Pick up 4:00 - 6:30 - Front Circle
Reports cards mailed home
5/7 PM W/M Lax vs. MT Home - tickets- 25 available per game only purchased online at (see QR code)
Friday, January 29
6/7:30 PM W/M Basketball vs. Dudley Gym No tickets available Sold Out
Monday, February 1
Deadline for APEX/NCVPS enrollment
Tuesday, February 2nd
Last day for students to make up assignments
Remember, you are always able to access this message on our school website under School News and titled Principal's Weekly Message or by following us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at SouthwestGHS. This is a great way for us to communicate and stay connected.
We are in it it together. We got this. We are... Southwest!
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